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The Study On The 《Tiwei Boli Scripture》

Posted on:2012-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330335456842Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Buddhism was transmitted into China during Han Dynasty-----West Han(206BC-24AD) and East Han(25-220AD).Undergoing a conflict and combination with Confucianism and Taoism which had been the dominant philosophy or religion in China in that age, Buddhism gradually melt into Chinese traditional culture and its development reached a peak during the Periods of Wei Dynasty(220-265AD),Jin Dynasty(265-420AD) and Southern and Northern Dynasty(420-589AD),thus within the field of thought in China there appeared a situation of tripartite confrontation where Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism jointly constituted the bedrock of Chinese traditional thought and philosophy.Northern Dynasty(386-581AD) plays a significant role of China Buddhism history. During this period when temple economy unexpectedly had being developed, with the facts that Chinese monks continuously went to India for seeking Buddha dharma(Buddhist doctrine) while Indian eminent monks often arrived to China for advocating aharma, which led to the increasingly frequent communication between Chinese and Indian culture, it consequently, occurred to the import of a great number of Buddhist Scripture from India, the emergence of large-scale Buddhism Scripture translating place which were springing up in China, and Buddhism belief spreading among common people. Besides, some monks, for spreading Buddhism sake, melted the doctrine and theory of Buddhism into the thought of Confucianism and Taoism of traditional Chinese culture to create a volume of scripture and some of which could be identified by existing reference and data be called fake scripture while others of which cannot be traced its origin and authors be called dubious fake scripture. The Tiwei Boli Scripture is one of dubious fake scripture.On the basis of Tiwei Scripture and---, Tiwei Boli. Scripture absorbed much of Confucianism ethic and the thought of expanding longevity of Taoism. The paper attempts to paraphrase the content of the Scripture to abstract the contents of melting section and relation among the three region, namely, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism and probe into the Buddhism thought which the scripture contains per se.The first chapter chiefly analyses the historical background where Tiweiboli Scripture was formed. Through demonstration of eliminating Buddhism by Tai Emperor and rejuvenating Buddhism by Wencheng Emperor, this chapter indirectly reflects rise and fall of Buddhism in ad hoc historic period. In addition, this chapter introduces several aspects respecting the scripture------nature, clue, edition and the spread of Tiwei Boli Scripture both in upper-class of society and among common people..The second chapter primarily analyses the theoretic basis of Tiwei Boli Scripture including general theory structure of the scripture, the combination between Buddhism and Confucianism, the convergence of Buddhism and Taoism, the association of three religions and the theory and thought shared by three religions.The third chapter mainly expounds the practice way of Tiweiboli scripture, being associated with that of Confucianism and Taoism. From the same aspects mentioned in the last paragraph, this chapter conducts discussion and study to find out the parts of Buddhism practice being related to the other two religions.The fourth chapter is constituted by two parts------the first one is the theory and doctrine of Tiwei Boli Scripture about temperament theory and religious discipline; the second one make a the comparison between content of the scripture and Taishan belief to find out the inner correspondence of them.The end of the paper mainly elaborates the basic condition of the paper. Moreover, the influence and meaning of the scripture to later generations be discussed as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Five discipline
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