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Safety Improvement Implementation Of The Provincial Hospital Information System

Posted on:2017-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R D YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330488952504Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The hospital as a large general hospital, Maternal and Child Health Hospital is, business is busy, many patients seek treatment, to improve the efficiency and coordination of various departments, hospitals and office automation network systems, computer-aided medical-based, hospital-wide backbone network can cover Each floor of the hospital, so the hospital PC, terminal equipment, medical equipment and hospital networks to link up and connected to the Internet. With the completion of the new building at the same hospital on the hospital’s existing network star tree structure upgrading, using the three-tier exchange of technology and virtual LAN technology for network re-planning segments, as well as technical data collection using the port to an existing network expansion, upgrading, while the old and new network-compatible program designed to make the network upgrade, while the hospital to reduce the business impact to a minimum, the final completion of the upgrading of the entire network and improve network efficiency throughout the hospital and reduce network failures and refinement management purposes.On the basis of network research, this paper designs a complete and comprehensive reform plan, and puts forward some targeted reform plans for the original network. The project is divided into two stages, which is based on the network reconstruction. In this paper, the technology is discussed.The implementation steps are clear and clear, based on the asset research, business research to re plan the IP address, including the installation and commissioning of new hardware and network, and constantly adjust and update.The project organization and management division of labor is clear, each complete one to carry on the test summary to the corresponding implementation, establishes the document management system.I am responsible for the specific work of the project, the network system needs analysis, analysis of user system status, application of network design, network design, network topology, protocol support, VLAN division, address management, networking equipment installation report, network debugging, network equipment port/VLAN division and other parameters configuration, network system after installation and commissioning, to ensure business continuity.After the transformation of a hospital network system has been constructed and put into use, the establishment of real-time online monitoring of network devices and network traffic monitoring system in use, after running for some time, after the transformation of the network system proved fully meet the current and future business needs of the hospital system upgrades and scalability to achieve the desired transformation objectives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information System, Needs analysis, Security Enforced, Safety program
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