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Research On Clinical Use Of Le Huu Trac’s Thought Of Strengthening In North Vietnam

Posted on:2017-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W X B u i D u y H u n g PeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330488488908Subject:TCM clinical basis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObjectiveIn the long past, North Vietnam is named JiaoZhi County, it is a part of south of the Five Ridges. Vietnam is tropical regions, with long day time and summer, also warm in winter. So the pores of the skin is always in open status, people are easy to get sweat, lead to body Yin Yang Qi get losed. North Vietnam is not only hot weather, but also rainy and moist, four seasons are not divide obviously. So local people too easily to get sick by moist and hot pathogenic factor. In that time, local doctor often use to treating these disease with cold or diuresis character herbal medicine. But they did not realize that is not good for human immunity, these herbal medicine lead to people’s Yin Yang Qi get lost away and the physique is become weakness, that is not strong enough to defend from pathogenic factor. Otherwise, Vietnam now is developing country, so the mental pressure is too big for people, they are always busy with work every time, stay up late every night, dietary irregularities…etc. These factor lead to people get sick from inside. The research is on local doctor Le Huu Trac Fu Zheng thought and his herbal medicine using habit through his writings. Through this research to get know deeply the relationship between traditional China medicine and Vietnam east medicine to develop academic exchange between two country.MethodsThis research-based literature analysis and ancient doctor though and writings, analyze Le Huu Trac Fu Zheng thought and his herbal medicine using habit. Forcus on his inborn ShuiHuo theory and acquired PiWei theory discuss about his theory and therapy clinical using in North Vietnam local people. Also analyze North Vietnam geograph and wearther element, through the effect of the geograph and wearther element to evaluate the clinical practicability of Le Huu Trac Fu Zheng thought and his herbal medicine using habit in now of North Vietnam area. The first chapter is the introduction of Le Huu Trac’s life, writings, to explore the origin of his Fu Zheng thought and his herbal medicine using habit. The second chapter is to analyses deeply his though and the Fu Zheng thought that Le Huu Trac inherit from ancient doctor. The third chapter is to explore the effect of the geograph, wearther element, food habit, Prescribing habit on the local people in North Vietnam, to evaluate the clinical practicability of his though. Make sure his though could lead human immunity become stronger, and people can use this to get prolonglife. Chapter four is some of the Le Huu Trac’s Clinical medicine case, let us to know obviously his though and medicine using habitResuitThrough explore four chapter, that the physique of North Vietnam people is not strong enough. And there are lots of objective and objective objective factors, the ZhengQi of people in this place is always deficiency. Le Huu Trac’s FuZheng thougt is also reflect the desease of the people always cause of ZhengQi deficiency. So Le Huu Trac’s FuZheng thought is adjust inborn and acquired Zhengqi called Zhen Shui, Xiang Huo and Pi Wei. Make sure it keep in balanced status. So his thought is practical on clinic in North Vietnam.
Keywords/Search Tags:Le Huu Trac, Zheng Qi, Zhen Shui, Xiang Huo, acquired PiWei
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