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Research On The Prodrome Characteristics Of Bipolar Disorder

Posted on:2017-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330488486852Subject:Mental Illness and Mental Health
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: This study focuses on prodromal symptoms of characteristics in bipolar disorder, discusses the prodromal symptoms of bipolar disorder among different type of difference, provides the basis for early identification and early intervention of the disease, helps to improve social feature of patients with bipolar disorder and allows patients to better return to society.Method: Use of the Bipolar Prodrome Symptom Scale-Retrospective(BPSS-R), for the treatment of hospitalized patients with bipolar disorder in remission of interviews,surveys of patients first depression(or manic) before episodes,there are differences between BD-I and BD-II clinical characteristics of patients such as prodromal symptoms, the symptoms of incidence and duration of prodromal period. By analyzing the characteristics of prodromal symptoms of bipolar disorder patients, and thus provide the basis for early identification of bipolar disorder.Results:(1) For clinical symptoms of prodromal features, the difference between BD type I and BD type II in the age of onset and onset frequency, not statistically significant(P> 0.05). In patients with BD type I, the depressive prodrome lasted 2.9 months and the hypomanic/manic prodrome lasted 1.8months, on average; in those with BD type II the depressive prodrome lasted4.7months, and the hypomanic/manic prodrome lasted 2.7months,in terms of duration between the two groups, lasting longer in the depressive /hypomanic5prodrome of BD-II compared to BD-I patients. Whether BD type II or BD type I,the duration of depressive prodromal longer than it of manic episodes prodromal.(2)In BD type I patients, the prodromal symptoms most frequently reported prior to the first depressive episode were depressed mood(71.9%),decreased interesting and pleasure(64.9%),insomnia(64.9%)and decreased school or work functioning(64.9%), but in BD type I patients, those were depressed mood(91.1%), decreased interesting and pleasure(75.6%),anxiety/nervousness(73.4%) and decreased school or work functioning(64.9%).The only symptom that differed between the two groups was anxiety /nervousness,which was more frequent in the depressive prodrome of BD-II compared to BD-I(p = 0.033).Compared with BD-II, the BD-I group of the first depressive episode appear manic symptoms more frequently,such as irritability or angry(c2=6.365,P=0.012), frequent mood swings/liability(c2=7.600,P=0.006),lost his temper/difficult to control anger(c2=8.379,P=0.004),overly cheerful/happy(c2=10.027,P=0.002),overly talkative(c2=9.658,P=0.002),extremely energetic or active(c2=11.746,P=0.001),overly self-confident(c2=9.091,P=0.030),overly creative(c2=5.85,P=0.016),and less depressed mood(c2=5.869,P=0.015),anxiety /nervousness(c2=4.563,P=0.033),suspiciousness(c2=4.400,P=0.036),the difference were statistically significant.(3)In BD type I patients, the prodromal symptoms most frequently reported prior to the first hypomanic or manic episode were overly cheerful/happy(91.2%),overly talkative(91.2%),lost his temper/difficultto control anger(84.2%)and extremely energetic or active(82.5%),but in BD type II patients, those were lost his temper/difficult to control anger(86.7%),overly talkative(82.2%),frequent mood swings/liability(77.8%)and overly cheerful/happy(77.8%).Compared with BD-II, the BD-I group of the first depressive episode more appear insomnia( c 2 = 8.311, P =0.004),extremely energetic or active(c2=7.527,P=0.006),increased sexual activity(c2=5.934,P=0.015),risky sexual behavior(c2=7.813,P=0.005),the difference were statistically significant.Conclusion:(1) Patients with bipolar disorder before the first depressive /manic episode, the prodromal symptoms are present.(2)Whether BD-I or BD-II groups, the depressive episode prodromal period should be longer than the manic episodes of prodromal period, whether manic or depressive episode, the precursor of its BD-I group of patients should be slightly shorter than the BD-II group of patients with prodromal period.(3)Compared with BD-II, the BD-I group of the first depressive episode appear manic symptoms more frequently,such as irritability or angry, frequent mood swings / liability,lost his temper/difficult to control anger, overly cheerful / happy, overly talkative,extremely energetic or active,overly self-confident,Overly creative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bipolar disorder, Prodromal symptoms, Early intervention
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