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Long-term Outcomes Of The Pelvic Floor Suspension In Treatment Of Pelvic Organ Prolapsed

Posted on:2017-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P L A K M J AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330485457741Subject:Obstetrics and gynecology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To anal yze the long-term subjective and object ive curative effect of th e P elvi c Organ Prolaps e aft er th e p elvi c floo r s uspensio n. Met hod: From Januar y 2007 to May 2012, t he First Affiliated Hospital of Xi njiang Medi cal Univ ersit y, a total of 13 7 cases of POP quantitative index ing method III- IV POP patients of pelvic floor suspension, followed b y t he clinical data of 116 cases of p atients with the diseas e were retrospect iv el y an al yz ed. Obj ectiv e to u s e s t an d ard o perat io n i s to cu re p ro laps e m et h od ev al uat ion b efo re and aft er su rger y i n p ati ent s with p elv i c organ p ro l a pse; subjective satisfaction is b y compari ng the preoperative and postopera tive pelvic floor disease qualit y of life questionnaire short form(PR IQ-7),P FD dis ease s ym p to m s q u est io nn ai re(P FDI-2 0) s core.Resul ts : 11 6 cas es o f p atients wit h an av erage follow-up peri od(5.2 + 1.4) years were an al yze d. The follo w-up stat istics: 9 p atients wit h var yi n g d egrees o f pelvi c o rga n prolapse reoccu rred;the recurren ce rate is 7.8%, so as the objective cu re rate is 92.2 %. Su bjectiv e satisfaction is 90.5 %. Conclusi on : Pelvic fl oor suspension for seems to show a lasting curative effect in the treatme nt of pelvi c organ prolaps e, subjective and objectiv e hi gh cu re rate, low recurrence rat e, op eration t reatm ent is safe and effect ive. Th erefo re, it is worth the clinical promotion and further development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pelvic organ prolapse, Pelvic floor suspensi on, Complicati ons
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