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Analysis On The Prevalence Of 403 Digestive System Tumor Patients In Qiqihar City

Posted on:2016-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330482456474Subject:Disease Prevention and Control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:This study aims to understand the prevalence of digestive system tumor and related pathogenic factors in Qiqihar by means of investigation questionnaires. Methods:We analyzed the data of 403 patients with digestive system tumor from three tertiary hospitals in Qiqihar from Nov. 2014 to May 2015. The indicators include general information, lifestyle, diets habits, clinical symptoms and medical history, etc. Descriptive statistics method was used to demonstrate all the results. Results:403 cases of effective questionnaires were completed in this research. The ranking of tumor in digestive system were liver cancer(25.1%), rectum cancer(20.6%), gastric cancer(17.5%), colon cancer(16.4%), pancreatic cancer(8.2%), esophageal cancer(7.7%) and others(4.5%). The number of patients of 50~ age group(34.5%) and 60~ age group(34.2%) are relatively concentrative, and the proportion of below 40 age group(1.7%) was significantly lower than other age groups. The number of male patients was 271, which accounted for 67.2%, and the number of female patients was 132, which accounted for 32.8%, and the sex ratio was about 2:1. Occupation distribution investigation finds that the proportion of workers(56.3%) was the highest and the proportion of peasants(0.5%) was the lowest. In the distribution of education degree, the proportion of junior middle school(48.4%) was the highest. The results of the investigation of lifestyle indicate that the proportion of smokers was 42.3%, and the proportion of passive smoker is 41.9%, and the proportion of spirit drinking and beer drinking is about 40%. Often eating salted(43.6%), fried(19.1%) and barbecue(20.1%) food, eating breakfast irregularly(15.4%) and eating too fast(11.4%) are the common poor dietary habits. The decrease of the times of defecation(94.3%) is the common clinical symptom of patients with digestive system tumor. Moreover, there are also patients who have the symptoms of abdominal pain(63.2%), epigastric pain(61.8%), sour regurgitation(59.8%), astriction(54.6%) and so on. In the medical history of patients, symptoms which account higher proportion have constipation(38.5%), hemorrhoids(33.0%), acute chronic gastritis(32.0%), hepatitis B or C virus(24.1%), and cirrhosis of the liver(22.4%). Conclusions:1. The ranking of digestive system tumor in Qiqihar is liver cancer, rectum cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and esophageal cancer.2. The age of onset of digestive system tumor mainly concentrated on 50~ and 60~ age groups. The number of male patients is more than female patients, and the ratio is approximately 2:1. The proportion of worker is the highest and the proportion of peasants is the lowest in occupation distribution. The distribution of the education degree is mainly the junior middle school, senior middle school and special school degree.3. Digestive system tumor patients’ common improper lifestyles are smoking, passive smoking, drinking alcohol(liquor and beer), etc. Often eating salted, fried and barbecue food, eating breakfast irregularly and eating too fast are the common poor dietary habits.4. The decrease of the times of defecation, abdominal pain, epigastric pain, sour regurgitation, astriction and so on are the common clinical symptoms of patients who suffered digestive system tumor.5. The other common diseases often occur on patients who suffered digestive system tumor have constipation, hemorrhoids, acute chronic gastritis, hepatitis B or C virus, and cirrhosis of the liver and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:digestive system tumor, prevalence, analysis
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