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Research On The Breaking Of “Drug-Dependent Doctors”

Posted on:2015-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
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In 1950 s, limited by economic conditions, the government can not provide full financial subsidies for public hospitals. In order to ensure their normal operations, the government promoted the "drugs-dependent doctors" policy. Under the command economy, the policy provides great support for the persistent development of public hospitals. However, since the period of reform and opening up, market economy was introduced in. The government began to encourage hospitals to be in charge of their own revenue and cost. Within a long time, public hospitals are getting more and more drug-dependent, resulting in rising drug prices and heavier medical burden of patients.Recently, the new medical reform has been launched, intending to explore multiple ways to get rid of "drug-dependent doctors”. Through analysis, the form of "drug-dependent doctors” roots in the joint force of drug pricing, drug procurement and drug addition which makes the demand-supply distorted. Therefore, it’s a must to break "drug-dependent doctors” by drug price controlling.Additionally, by comparing the medical systems of other countries, we find that: Most American and European countries take separation of dispensing from prescription(SDP) system. After hundreds of years of evolution, it has become a complete medical security system. Japan, whose health care system and operating mechanism is much similar to ours, has also successfully get rid of the "drug-dependent doctors” dilemma in 1990 s through a series of reform. The similarity is that their governments actually take control of drug price by constructing effective drug pricing mechanism and monitoring mechanism.To conclude, Drug addition policy is the foundation of many medical issues such as high drug price, "drug-dependent doctors", etc. Therefore, “Non-profit drug” is the necessary choice of China medical system reform.In response to the new medical reform policies, many areas have started "Non-drug profit" pilot. After researching on the pilot performance of Shenzhen, Zhejiang, we find that: “Non-drug profit" pilot has helped reduce drug costs to a certain extent, but the overall medical costs have not been effectively controlled, the majority of people cannot feel the change on their medical expenses.Besides that, Shanghai, as the first batch of pilot cities, is also selected in this analysis. In this research, we make a questionnaire survey targeting the patients of pilot hospitals, and reach the conclusions as follows:1) the “Non-profit drug” pilot has shown an effective outcome in the preliminary stage, the overall cost of medical treatment and the medicine cost per person per time have both slightly decreased. 2) the service efficiency and quality has both improved which is demonstrated by the increasing of average treatment time for patients and a higher rating of service.Overall, the abolition of drug addition can play an important role in drug cost saving in the short term, but to make significant reduction in overall medical costs, this policy alone is not enough. There must be fundamental reforms of the whole process of drug distribution and drug procurement, ensuring the supply-demand function effective.
Keywords/Search Tags:public hospitals, drug-dependent doctors, non-profit-drug, pharmaceutical service fee
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