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The Relevance Between Types Of Constitution And Syndromes About Children With Acute Tonsillitis In TCM

Posted on:2016-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330470977611Subject:Pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine
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Objective:Thro ugh investigating the dist rib uti on of the children with Acute tonsillitis on physical char act eri sti cs and syndrome differrentiation, then expiore the correlation between them so as t o provide evidences for the pre v ent ion and treatment of precocious puberty form the aspect of phy s ica l contitution, a nd also find out a new thinking for diagnosis a n d treatment f rom the combination of the physical identification and syndrome differentiation in Chinese Trad iti ona l M edi cin e.Methods:In this study, 100 children with Acute tonsillitis conformed to the d iag n os t ic criteria got same questionnaire survey, and then to statistical analysis releted data s.Results:① Through lit e ra t ur e study about children in acute tonsillitis found: the wind-heat syndrome(41.8%),the syndrome of exuberance of both lung and stomach heat( 39. 81%),t he toxic h eat invading throat syndrome(12.18%),the exuberance of damp h e at syndrome(4.19%),the lung and kidney y i n deficiency syndrome(2.02%) from March 2013 to March 2015.② From January 2013 to March 2015, 100 c hil dre n in acute tonsillitis had been i ncl ude d in this research, among th em, 65 boys(65.0%), 35 g i rl s(35.0%), the aver age onset ag e was 7.39±2.74 years old.③ The phy s ic a l distribution of c hil dre n in acute tonsillitis:the wind-heat syndrome(4 7.0 %), the syndrome of exuberance of both lung and st oma ch heat(46.0%),the lung and k i dn e y yin defi cie ncy syndrome(4.0%),the other syndrom e(3.0 %).④ In children with ac ute tonsillitis, kinds of syndromes were no significant in different ages, different ganders, di ffe ren t winters, WBC, N%, L% and CRP(P﹥0.05).⑤ The phy s ic a l distribution of c hil dre n in acute tonsillitis:the balanced constitution(16.0 %) and the b i as e d co nst itu tio n(84.0%). In the single b i as e d constitution, the yang excessiveness internal heat constitution(65.2%), the yin defi cie ncy co nst itution(21.7%), the ho t and humid embodiment constitution(8. 7%),the lung-spleen deficiency constitution(4.3%),the out of o r di n ar y constitution(0.0%), the spleen deficienty causing food hysteresis constitution(0.0%), the deficiency of spleen and ki dne y constitution(0.0%). In the m e rge d biased constitution, the yang excessiveness in ter nal heat constitution(33.1%), t he yi n deficiency cons- titu tio n(23.5%), the h ot and humid embodiment constitution(16.3%), the out of o rdi nar y constitution(13.3%),the lung-spleen deficiency constitution(9.0%), the d e fic ien cy o f spleen and kidney constitution(9.0%), the spleen deficienty causing food hysteresis constitution( 1.2%). A m on g all the kinds of constitution above, there w a s a statistically significance when compared in constituent ratio(P﹤ 0.05).⑥ In children with a cut e tonsillitis, kinds of constitution ha d statistical significance in different ages(P ﹤ 0.05). But there were no significant in different ganders(P﹥ 0.05).⑦ In th e constitution distribution f or the wind-heat syndrome,there were statistical si gni fic ance in the constituent ratio when the yang excessiveness internal heat constitution, the yin deficiency c ons t it u ti o n and the lung-spleen defi cie ncy co nst itu tio n compared with the others(P ﹤ 0.05). Then for the t h e syndrome of exuberance of both lung and stomach heat, it w a s same with the y a ng excessiveness i n te r na l heat constitution, the yin deficiency constitution and the hot and humid embodiment constitution compared with the ot her s(P﹤ 0.05). And for the other k i nd s of sy ndr ome,there was no statistical significance w hen the types of constituent compared in the c ons tit uen t ratio(P﹥0.05).⑧ In the syn d ro m e distribution for the yang excessiveness internal heat constitution and the yin deficiency constitution,there were statistical si gni fic ance in the constituent ratio when the wind-heat syndrome and the syndrome of e xub era nce of both lung and stomach heat compared w i th the others(P﹤0.05). A nd for the hot and humid embodiment constitution,it w as same with the syndrome of exuberance o f both l ung and stomach heat due to yin deficiency type(P﹤0.05). For the l ung-sp lee n defi cie ncy cons tit uti on,it wa s also same w i th the wind-heat syndrome(P﹤0.05).But for the other kinds of constitution, th ere was no statistical significance when the types of syndrome compared in the constituent ra tio(P﹥0.05).Conclusion:① The wind-heat syndrome and the sy ndr ome of exuberance of both lung and sto m ac h heat a re the main type o f syndromes fo r childrensubjected to acute t ons ill iti s.② The morbidity of acute tonsillitis has no di ffe rence in age,gender, winter, W BC, N%, L% and CRP.③ The yang excessiveness i nte rna l heat c ons tit uti on and the yi n deficiency constitution are the he main type of syndromes fo r children subjected t o a cut e tonsillitis.④In ch ild ren with acute tonsillitis, ki nds of constitution between different ages w ere related. In the early ch ild hoo d children, the yang excessiveness internal heat constitution, the yin deficiency constitution, the hot and humid embodiment constitution and the lung-spleen deficiency constitution were the most common.Then for the pr esc hool children the yang excessiveness internal heat constitution, the yin deficiency constitution, the hot and humid embodiment constitution and the out o f ordinary constitution. The yang excessiveness internal heat constitution,the yin def i ci e nc y constitution and the hot and humid embo dim ent constitution were th e same to the school-age children. But t h er e were no related i n d iff ere nt gand ers.⑤ There is relevance be twe en the c ons tit uti on and syndrome. Fo r the children belonged t o the wind-heat syndrome, the yang excessiveness internal heat c ons tit uti o n, the yin defi cie ncy co nst itution and the lung-spleen defi cie ncy more easier to g et. For children belong to the synd rom e of exuberance of both lung an d stomach heat, it is on a bigger r isk to f orm the hyperactivity of fire due to t h e yang e xce ssi ven ess internal heat constitution,the yin def- iciency co nst itu tio n and the ho t and h umi d embodiment constitu- tion.And c h il d re n with other kinds of sy ndr omes have the same chance to get e ver y type of constitution.⑥ And for t h e children belonged to the yang excessiveness internal heat constitution and the yin deficiency constitution, th e wind-heat syndrome and the syndrome of exuberance of both lung and stomach heat are more easier to get. For c hil dre n belong to the hot and humid em bod ime nt constitution, it is on a b igg er risk to form the sy ndr ome of exuberance of both lung and stomach heat.For children belong to the lung-spleen deficiency constitution, it i s on a big g er ris k to fo rm the wind-heat syndrome.And children with other kinds of cons tit uti on have the same chance to get every type of syndrome.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acute Tonsillitis, Children, Constitution, Syndromes, Relevance
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