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Development Strategy Case Study Of A Liaoning Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

Posted on:2016-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330470962634Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has captured the public’s extensive attention in recent years. Particularly after some relevant policies were enacted in 2009, many Traditional Chinese Medicine institutes, represented by Traditional Chinese Medicine hospitals, seized this opportunity to strive for the health care market share by adopting the advanced management approaches to increase the competitiveness of the hospital under the macroscopic environment of the development of medical market.According to the vast territory, China has not developed in a balance way. The object hospital is a municipal level three TCM hospital located in the central area in Liaoning province. With the restrictions of multiple factors, the hospital has experienced a slow development even failing to meet the requirements of local residents for TCM health care services.In order to boost the hospital competitiveness and sustainabllly develop the hospital in a long-term and healthy way, the research conducts a systematically comprehensive analysis on the hospital environment threats, current opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths to figure out the most appropriate development strategies.All the data are cllected from the database of the government in the sampling city in Liaoning province and the municiple health care institutes’ annual reports from 2010 to 2014. With these information, the research conducts a case study of the Traditional Chinese Medicine hospita lin the certain city in Liaoning province to discuss the necessity of hospital development strategy, to estimate the current hospital performance, and to analyze the prospective with a combined analysis of cross factors. These analytic results will shed a light on this hospital’s future career.The article content is divided into five parts. The first part illustrates the background, aim, significance, method, and the content.The second part analyzes the both external and internal environment factors to find out the opportunities and threats the hospital confonted, and its strengths and weaknesses.The third part applies SWOT analysis to dissect the subject hospital. And the strengths of the subject hospital are a convenient geographic location, several national key specialties, and the featured advantages of TCM health care service. On the other hand, it’s also engaged in a few weaknesses in terms of poor equipment, inadequate discipline construction, the lack of talents, and insufficient construction area. This subject TCM hospital is facing a favoring national policy and increased service demand. However, the threats as the change of competitive environment, the historical development of unstable conditions, and lack of financial aid, haunt the hospital.The fourth part proposes the subject TCM hospital a practicable development strategy based on the systematic strategic analysis. Given the great opportunity, it’s suggested the TCM hospital to choose growth strategy for overall With the distinct character of TCM in this hospital, the differentiation strategy should be a better choice for management. It includes talents introduction and cultivation, the hospital internal personnel reform, hospital brand establishment, the introduction of social capital, combination of Chinese and western medicine diagnosis and treatment establishment, the core competitiveness building, etc.The last part of conclusion indicates the future direction of this Liaoning municipal TCM hospital.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liaoning municipal TCM hospital, Traditional Chinese medicine, SWOT, Strategic management
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