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The Relationship Between The Stomach-spleen And The Etiology And Pathogenesis Of Laryngeal Cough

Posted on:2016-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330470480431Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Objective : Based on the fully exp loration of t he experience of the predecessors, this thesis will give a further discussion on the phys iological and pathological relationship between spleen-stomach and the lung and throat, as well as the correlation between the stomach- spleen and the etiology and pathogenesis of Laryngeal cough. By the research on the relevant literature, the thesis presents a comprehensive understanding about the status and the funct ion of the role that stomach- spleen plays in the pathogenesis and treatment of laryngeal cough, and then it will act as a theoretical support to the whole theory of treating laryngeal cough from stomach- spleen in order to guide the clinical.Method: The theoretical research method by the review of “Inner Canon of Huangdi”, “Treatise on febrile diseases”,“The theory of spleen and stomach” and some other related ancient literatures as well as the sorting and analysis recent 6 years(as of March 31, 2015) of relevant articles retrieved in CNK I, Wanfang Database and Vip Database, this thesis focuses the stomach-spleen as the breakthrough point and describes the role that plays in the pathogenesis of laryngeal cough, expounding the theory of treating laryngeal cough from stomach- spleen furt her.Results : Through the reorganization and study of all the documents, it is found that the lung, throat and spleen have a close relationship :(1)The five-ele ments correlat ion: Throat belongs to the stomach and lung, and the stomach and spleen are subsumed to the earth, meanwhile the lung is subsumed to metal. Consideration of earth generating metal, their relationship is like a mother-child relationship.(2)Location proximit y: The lung and stomach rely on the throat for ind irectly communicated with outside world, andthelungabovethediaphragmwhilethestomachlocatedunder the diaphragm; they are only separated by a membrane.(3)Main and collateral channe ls connected: The throat and stomach- spleen are interlinked through Main and collateral channels. The lung andstomach are also interlinked through it. Similar phys iological characterist ics: They both preference for mo istness and intolerance to dryness, and Q i of viscera organs taking descent as the norma l functiona l tendency of FU- organs.(5)Physio logica l and pathological linked closely: If the spleen Q i has less effective, nine orifices will barrier. If the spleen loses its transporting function, it w ill lead to the fluid retention wit hin the body. If the spleen Q i has less effective, the blood will overflow its arteries. The spleen deficiency and mope will lead to a symptom of muscular atrophy. The failure of descending of the stomach Q i w ill force the l ung. If the spleen Q i has less effective, the spleen will neglect it’s remonstrating duty.The stomach- spleen is closely related to the etiology and pathogenesis of Laryngeal cough:(1)In terms of production and operation of Q i and water metabolis m: I f the Q i of spleen is too weak to transform water and grain into essence, the Q I of lung is too weak to transport essence of water and grain, then the throat will be sick; and if the spleen disorders, it will induce endogenous phlegm, even edema, which w ill cause the loss of the lung function and make patients product pant and cough.(2)The spleen being responsible for keeping blood wit hin the vessels: If the Q i of spleen is weak, the blood will be out of control so that hemorrhage, which is the ma in reason for pharyngeal hyperemia induced by laryngeal cough.(3)The disorder of the stomach makes the Gastric Q i, which belongs to stomach channel of foot- yang ming, super inversed and oppressed of the lung. So the lung which loses its descending and clearing functions produces cough and asthma heavily, that makes patients cannot lie flat on their back.(4)Grand master of remonstrance: If the spleen neglects it’s remonstrating duty, then every part of human body’s phys iological activit y will disorder. So the human body is susceptible to the invasion of sensit izat ion factors, thus result ing in the onset of laryngeal cough.Laryngeal cough is the syndromes of more evil w ith weakened body resistance or excessiveness wit h deficiency. Weakened bodyresistance, whic h means defic iency of Q i, body fluid defic iency and insufficie ncy of blood, is the essentia l factor caused by stomach disorders. Excessiveness of pathogen, which inc lud ing the stagnat ion of Q i, stagnated fire and turbid phlegm, is the symptom. To embodying the ideology of searching for the primary cause of diseases in treatment, regulat ing spleen and stomach should be taken serious ly. Concurrently w ith the methods of promot ing Q i, clearingaway heat and phlegm, opening the inhibited lung and stop coughing are more effective ly.Conclus ion: Through the theoretical research of stomach-spleen and the etiology and pathogenesis of laryngeal cough, this article arrived at a conclusion that balanc ing yin- yang in spleen- stomach system is effective in treating laryngeal cough. This method was superior in improving symptoms and curative effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laryngeal cough, Throat coughing, Spleen-stomach, Etiology and pathogenesis
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