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The Research Of Biological Effects Induced By C-arm X Ray Acute Scan

Posted on:2016-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YangFull Text:PDF
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At present, more and more C-arm X ray scans were used into the orthopedicsurgery. Although the usage of C-arm X ray scans could efficiently improve theoperation quality, while ionizing radiation doses from C-arm X ray scans couldproduce radiation damage to surgeons and patients. In addition, it is necessary tosolve the questions of how to arrange radiation protection in the process of the usageof C-arm X ray scans. The research showed that radiation doses from single orseveral C-arm X ray scans with the range of low dose radiation (LDR). There was abig controversial of biological effects induced by LDR.Biological effects induced by LDR mainly include injuried effects andbeneficial effects, which exits tremendous dispute. Beneficial effects includeadaptive response and hormesis, while injuried effects include stochastic effects,deterministic effects, bystander effects, genomic instability and hereditary effects.According to population epidemiology (the data from Japanese atomic bombsurvivors), injuried effects induced by LDR present linear no threshold (LNT) model.Cancer risks is linearly with radiation doses in population. Presently, there were twopoints which questioning the LNT in academic circles. LNT overestimated radiationinduced-cancer risks.①Radiation doses between100Sv and50mSv were failed to inducing biologicaleffects.②The results from high background radiation could not prove injuriedeffects.③LDR could induce beneficial effects.④DNA damage induced by ioningradiation could not necessarily induce cancer or other malignant tumors. LNTunderestimated radiation induced-cancer risks.①Chromosome damage induced bybystander effects was not proved by experiments.②The exist of genomic instabilityand hypersensitivity. The research of biological effects induced by C-arm X rayscans could not only enrich the LDR theory, but also provide theoretical foundationfor radiation exposure population. ObjectiveTo investigate the biological effects induced by C-arm X ray acute scan in miceMethods60healthy male BALB/c mice were randomly divided into control group, single,four, eight and twelve times of C-arm X ray scan; there were12mice in each group.The mice were administered with different frequency of whole-body C-arm X rayscan; After24h of scan, malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)were detected by the biochemical methods; Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay(ELISA) was used to detect the level of IL-4and IFN-γ in serum; Flow cytometrywas used to detect the apoptosis level in peripheral lymphocytes and bone marrowcells.Results1. The MDA level changes of different times of C-arm X ray scanof thyroid tissue in miceThe results of thyroid tissue supernatant dectected by invitrogen. Comparedwith control, eight and twelve times of C-arm X ray scan largely increased MDAlevel in thyroid. The MDA level reached to summit after twelve times of C-arm Xray scan. The MDA level increased by2.39and3.49with significant change(F=8.31,P<0.05).2. The SOD level changes of different times of C-arm X ray scan ofthyroid tissue in miceThe results of thyroid tissue supernatant dectected by invitrogen. Comparedwith control, four, eight and twelve times of C-arm X ray scan largely increasedSOD level in thyroid. The SOD level decreased by19.23%,25.80%and27.95%with significant change (F=4.61,P<0.05).3. The IFN-γ and IL-4level changes of different times of C-arm Xray scan of thyroid tissue in mice The results of serum dectected by invitrogen. Compared with control, four,eight and twelve times of C-arm X ray scan decreased IFN-γand IL-4level andreached the lowest value. The IFN-γand IL-4level decreased by14.71%and22.60%,22.99%and44.05%,31.70%and44.43%, respectively (F=59.26,P<0.05). The ratioof IFN-γ/IL-4showed no significant change after different times of C-arm X rayscan (F=12.47,P>0.05).4. The apoptosis changes of different times of C-arm X ray scan ofperipheral lymphocytes in miceThe results of apoptosis dectected by FACS. Compared with control, eight andtwelve times of C-arm X ray scan increased apoptosis level in peripherallymphocytes. The apoptosis level increased by1.68and2.40with significant change(F=8.31,P<0.05)4. The apoptosis changes of different times of C-arm X ray scan ofbone marrow cells in miceThe results of apoptosis dectected by FACS. Compared with control, twelvetimes of C-arm X ray scan increased apoptosis level in bone marrow cells. Theapoptosis level increased by2.02with significant change (F=19.31,P<0.05).ConclusionC-arm X ray multiple scan changed oxidative level and immunological index.In addition, apoptosis were initiated to maintain genome stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:C-arm X ray, oxidation level, immune level, hemopoietic system
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