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The Research About Legal Responsibility Of Drug Instructions

Posted on:2015-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The drug is a special kind of product and its quality is closely related to health of the public. The normative and accurate drug instructions also could guarantee the therapeutic effectiveness and safety of drug use. The research emphasis of this article is to analyze the various legal liability problems which are resulted from drug instructions, then to analyze the main body and the nature of legal liability and so on, and the rights and obligations of the drug producers、sellers、medical institutions and patients.Except the preface and epilogue, this article is divided into five chapters to study the central content:the legal responsibility of drug instruction and so on.The first chapter is about laws and legal system related drug instructions, a general description of the legal regulatory status of drug instructions.The second chapter is about the basic problems associated with the drug instructions, such as the definition、use、legal nature and meaning、 the basic requirements and so on, to further explore the legal responsibility problems.The third chapter is about the harm which drug instructions could cause, involving the warning defect of drug instructions、improper drug use and off-label use and other issues.The fourth chapter discusses legal liability nature of drug instructions in the field of criminal law, administrative law, civil law.The fifth chapter analyses the main legal responsibility body of the harm of drug instructions, mainly involving drug producing enterprises、 drug handling enterprises、medical institutions、the state administrative staff、patients, etc., and combines with some specific case to analyze how to determine the legal responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug instructions, Legal responsibility, Drug defect
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