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Professor Li Jianzhong Application Tong Du Ridge Therapy Is The Experience Summary Of Ridge Therapy To Treat Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

Posted on:2015-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467480012Subject:Acupuncture and massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lumbar disc prolapse is the clinical common disease, which is also called bulginof lumbar disc, is a common cause of waist and leg pain.With the development ofmodern science and the progress of the society, the human way of life and productionmode change, the activities of the professional division of labor leads people to do asingle, mental Labour crowd incidence on the rise year by year, younger development,is closely related to their jobs, such as increased students has also been gradually.Itseriously affected the people’s life and production.The typical symptoms of lumbardisc prolapse is sciatica or lumbocrural pain, severe pain, and cure difficult, Chinesemedicine treatment of the disease curative effect is good and safe and reliable.In this paper, based on consulting a large number of literature data from theresearch progress of modern medicine for the disease and the research progress ofChinese medicine for the disease.Modern medical research progress from the lumbarspine anatomy and function, anatomy and function of intervertebral disc andcharacteristics, risk factors and pathogenesis, clinical symptoms and signs, combiningmodern imaging examination and western medicine treatment.The progress of theresearch of traditional Chinese medicine from the overview of disease, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine treatment,etc, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine cure the disease is more, including thesyndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine externaltreatment fumigation, acupuncture, massage therapy of comprehensivetreatment.Furthermore, to summarize the clinical experience of the teacher li, as wellas the application of tong du ridge therapy to treat the disease diagnosis and train ofthought, this paper expounds tong du ridge therapy is the origin of the ridge therapy,diagnosis and treatment method, commonly used gimmick, treatment principle andtreatment method, and combining the outpatient records research on treatment of thedisease.Mr li thought that disease in governor meridian, the treatment of this diseasefrom governor meridian, using tong du ridge therapy to unclog the governor meridian,syndrome differentiation and combination of disease and modern diagnostic methodscombined with TCM treatment based on syndrome differentiation.Advocatingtraditional conservative therapy to treat the disease, and achieved satisfactorytherapeutic effect, and no trauma treatment, low cost, stable and reliable curativeeffect, avoid trauma surgery and economic pressures, for the majority of patients, itsexperience is worth popularizing summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:lumbar disc prolapse, Li Jianzhong professor, Tong du ridge therapy, experience
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