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Research On The Dampness-drying And Phlegm-reducing Therapy And Its Representative Prescriptions

Posted on:2016-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330464467133Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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1 SubjectTo clarify the development of dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy; to define the meaning and The specific treatment of dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy;to choose classic prescriptions of drying dampness and phlegm-reducing therapy and parse compatibility characteristics of these prescriptions and its suitable Clinical illness.2 Methods1) Literature ResearchAncient literature:"Phlegm" is used as the search term to search medical books from the "DuXiu" academic website and the book of Chinese Medicine Collections (4th Edition). And altogether 332 ancient books related to drying dampness and phlegm-reducing therapy, including its etiology and pathogenesis, therapeutic principle and method, prescription, and medical cases, are selected.Modern periodicals:"Damp phlegm", "phlegm-damp", "expectorant", "drying dampness and phlegm-reducing", "invigorating spleen to remove phlegm",etc. are used as the search term to search and collect altogether 1478 articles and periodicals from websites as CNKI, Wanfang Data, CQVIP, etc. All the articles and periodicals are then well classified according to the terms of theory, clinic and experiment.Reference books, textbooks, and modern literature:this research mainly refers to ZY of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China,10 reference books such as Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary, The Dictionary of Medicinal Plant, Dictionary of Chinese Medical Prescriptions, etc.,8 national textbooks such as Chinese Internal Medicine, Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc., and 8 modern literature such as The Research and Clinic of Phlegm in Chinese Medicine, Representative Collections of Chinese Medical Recipes, Essentials of Ancient and Modern Chinese Medical Therapies, etc. Classification is also made on the concept of drying dampness and phlegm-reducing therapy.2) Theoretical Research MethodsThis paper comprehensively analyzes the related statements on "dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy" from the ancient and modern literature and also defines the connotation and denotation of "dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy" by applying methods of induction, interpretation, etc. Theoretical analyses and summaries are also conducted on different scholars’academic opinions of treating damp phlegm. Besides, the selection among prescriptions for drying dampness and reducing phlegm is carried out to choose the representative prescriptions, and the comparison is also made from aspects of medical components, dosimetry, application differences, etc.3 Results1) The academic origin of "dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing"The pre-Qin period and Han dynasty:About gasification theory,viscera-state, etiology and pathogenesis, therapeutic principle, treatment theory in HuangDi NeiJing laid the theoretical basis for understanding and diagnosis and treatment of TCM phlegm syndrome and some descriptions similar with "phlegm syndrome", "phlegm dampness syndromes" and the records of phlegm syndrome, phlegm wet drugs and prescriptions came out.The period of Wei dynasty, Jin dynasty,Sui dynasty and Tang dynasty:This period established the formula of dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing prescription principle, many prescriptions that could neutralize stomach, dry wet phlegm appeared and was widely used in the clinical practice the view "tan qi xiang sheng" is popular in the future.The period of Song dynasty, Jin and Yuan dynasty:For the first time the concept "phlegm wet" was put forward by Liu Wan-su; many drugs were cleared that could dry wet phlegm by li dong-yuan; the view "Bai bing jian tan"was put forward by Zhu Dan-xi; many classic prescriptions were recorded in many prescription books, phlegm dampness syndromes etiology and pathogenesis, formulas, characteristics were clarified in detail.The period of Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty:Zhang Jing-yue prefered to treat phlegm from spleen and kidney, no matter wet phlegm, cold phlegm or hot phlegm. Bencaogangmu mentioned many dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing drugs. Wang Yan-chang discussed that fat people are easier than normal people, and should take care of the life style. The understanding of phlegm dampness syndromes etiology and pathogenesis is more profound, dry wet phlegm method is more widely used in the treatment of diseases, the drugs and prescriptions were more rich, many clinical book recorded detailed case application of dry wet phlegm method, dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy accumulated rich experience in practice.Modern times in recent decades The doctors treat phlegm wet syndromes using the theory and experience of Ming and Qing. They have own characteristics in diagnose and treatment,as well as the further study in principle and drugs. Many books in the period summarized this method in clinic practice.2) The basic theory of "dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing" Therapy.① The etiology and pathogenesis and the symptoms of phlegm dampness syndromes.There are three causes of phlegm dampness syndromes, inadequate endowment, having original phlegm disease;Subsequent inadequacy, the damage to the spleen and stomach; A long illness disease with wrong treatments, spleen and kidney injury. Phlegm wet endogenous pathogens is dis-functional gasification which is based on a variety of reasons of the human body. When phlegm wet accumulates enough in body, it will stay in Zang-fu organs,Xiong-Ge,on skin, or go into the limbs,facial features and main and collateral channels. It will move to everywhere in body with Qi lift and down,and lead to a variety of disease with different syndromes in clinic practice, such as phlegm wet block spleen, phlegm wet block lung, phlegm syndrome block uterus, phlegm wet block main and collateral channels, phlegm wet affect heart, phlegm wet affect kidney, that phlegm wet stay on skin, that phlegm wet block facial features.② The connotation and specific treatment of dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy.Dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy is used to cure the disease all over the body that caused by the disorder of Qi and the inside phlegm wet with the dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing drugs.Many specific treatments are formed during the process of clinic diagnosis, on account of the differences in etiology and pathogenesis and the symptoms of phlegm dampness syndromes and the patients constitution. This essay summarized the clinic treatments into five methods on the basis of the literature combing and theory discussion.Supplying Qi and Dampness-drying and Phlegm-reducing method:This treatment is suitable to the disease caused by qi deficiency, the frequently used prescriptions included Sijunzi tang, Liu junzi tang, Erzhu erchen tang, Zhizhu wan.Combing Qi and Dampness-drying and Phlegm-reducing method:This treatment is suitable to the disease caused by qi disorder, the frequently used prescriptions included Daotan tang, Xiangsha hewei tang.Wen Yang and Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing method:This treatment is suitable to the disease caused by spleen and kidney Yang deficiency and the inside phlegm wet the frequently used prescriptions included Yanghe erchen tang,Douse gujing wan.Dampness-drying and Phlegm-reducing to dredge collateral channels:This treatment is suitable to the disease caused by phlegm wet lingering in channels and collateral, the frequently used prescriptions included Qingshi huatan tang, Qianghuo shengshi tang.Eliminating dampness and reducing phlegm and resolving masses methods: This treatment is suitable to the disease caused by phlegm wet knot, the frequently used prescriptions included Zhimi fuling wan, Huajian erchen wan.Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing and removing blood stasis method: This treatment is suitable to the disease caused by phlegm wet combining blood stasis, the frequently used prescriptions included Qigong wan, Gantong tang.4) The representative prescriptions of Dampness-drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing therapyEr Chen Tang This prescription can dry wet phlegm, comb qi and adjust the middle-jiao and treat the phlegm dampness syndromes. Symptoms include cough, phlegm, nausea and vomiting, Xiong-Ge frowzy, body disability, head dizzy, palpitations, white slip or greasy coating on the tongue, pulse smooth. Er Chen Tang can treat Various diseases caused by Phlegm wet. Through the Summary of clinical cases, the diseases that can be hired by Er Chen Tang focus on the spleen and stomach disease, the gynopathy, the carbuncle sores, cough and gasp, swelling, dizziness, stranguria, retention of urine, spermatorrhea, cholera, accumulation, malaria, impotent, certification and so on.Liu Jun Zi Tang This prescription can benefit the spleen, eliminate phlegm to dry wet gas, to fill gas, attending spleen deficiency, phlegm dampness blocking, see food less loose stools, etc. Summary of ancient and modern clinical, liu junzi tang is applicable to phlegm wet and also used to regulate or and phlegm wet after illness.Zhi Mi Fu Ling Wan This prescription can dry wet, soft firm phlegm, Qi and attending phlegm in stomach, empty into the channels and collateral card, two arms ache stopper, may not lift on, or around after transfer, or hands are numb, white greasy tongue coating, pulse heavy fine or string. Summary of ancient and modern clinical pills is applicable to the stagnation of phlegm wet body pain; and also used to phlegm wet condensation nuclear, scrofula and accumulation of phlegm syndrome.Dao Tan Tang This prescription can dry wet expectorant, depression, attending phlegm jue, head dizzy, Xiong-Ge new plug, side rib bilge full, headache, gasping phlegm syndromes, thick greasy coating on the tongue, pulse and smooth. Summary of ancient and modern clinical, attack on guide is applicable to phlegm wet phlegm soup or nitrogen block of headache syndrome;The water is also used to woman to be not moved, amenorrhea, infertility, etc; Pain and certification of all cards and dizziness, diarrhea, etc.Wen Dan Tang This prescription can dry wet phlegm, bravery and stomach, sputum attending bile depressive head dizzy palpitations, insomnia, night more dreams. From the summary of ancient and modern clinical, wendan tang is the main disease certificate based on phlegm wet, muggy as the standard, is suitable for the disease or postpartum weakness after sleepless, such as fright and also used for wet dreams, such as injury food.Qi Gong Wan This prescription can expectorant wet, invigorate the circulation of depressive, attend phlegm moisture infertility syndrome, such as woman fatness, long marriage infertility, menstrual delay, or even amenorrhoea, taken down and more viscous, dizziness palpitations,white greasy tongue coating, pulse and smooth disorder. From summary of ancient and modern clinical, qi gong pill is suitable for the fat people phlegm wet endogenous and infertility and is also used in the treatment of metabolic disease, etc.4 Conclusions(1) The disease factors will harm the stomach and spleen, such as insufficient talent, eating intemperance, weary and internal injuries, the mood change, acquired deficiency, the long illness without the suitable treatment, which lead to middle-jiao gasification function disorder.Thus, phlegm come into being,and result in different syndromes.Phlegm dampness syndromes is more common in the process of many diseases.(2) Dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy is used to cure the disease all over the body that caused by the disorder of Qi and the inside phlegm wet with the dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing drugs. Many specific treatments are formed during the process of clinic diagnosis, on account of the differences in etiology and pathogenesis and the symptoms of phlegm dampness syndromes and the patients constitution. This essay summarized the clinic treatments into five methods on the basis of the literature combing and theory discussion. Supplying Qi and Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing method;Combing Qi and Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing method; Wen Yang and Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing method;Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing to dredge collateral channels;Eliminating dampness and reducing phlegm and resolving masses methods;Drying dampness and Phlegm-reducing and removing blood stasis method.(3) There are some representative prescriptions of Dampness-drying and Phlegm-reducing method, such as ErChen tang, Liujunzi tang, Daotan tang,Zhimifuling wan, Wendan tang, Qigong wan.These prescriptions are created,according to the specific pathogenesis of phlegm dampness syndromes, combining the methods yiqihezhong, jianpiyiqi, qingdanhewei, ruanjiansanjie, hexuekaiyu with Dampness-drying and Phlegm-reducing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dampness-drying and phlegm-reducing therapy, phlegm dampness syndrome, representative prescription
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