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Eating Compliance And Influencing Factors Of Stroke Patients Hospitalized

Posted on:2016-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GuoFull Text:PDF
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Objective: Diet therapy is a diet plan to patients who treatment during the hospital, developed by physicians and nutritionists, and has become an important clinical work. It provides scientific guidance to the patient’s diet by medical staff, patients diet adherence, and then develop good eating habits in order to reduce or delay recurrence of the disease,and promote recovery. This topic through clinical retrospective study ofhospitalized stroke patients were analyzed dietary compliance situation; randomized controlled clinical study, an objective evaluation under intensive treatment adherence to dietary intervention during hospitalization, to identify and analyze the patient non-compliance from the reasons to explore more suitable for the clinical dietary intervention model of stroke patients.Methods: The subjects “Eating compliance and influencing factors of stroke patients hospitalized”to stroke patients for the study, a total of204 cases of patients to receive. Study for stroke patients from January2014 to December 2014 in the Hebei General Hospital of the Neurology ward two for the first time in hospital.Were randomly divided into two groups, 103 cases in the control group, 101 cases in the intervention group. Strictly in accordance with the principles and objective diagnostic criteria into the group, after the evaluation of patients met the inclusion criteria, taking randomization. All patients fill out the "Diet adherence Questionnaire" at the time of admission. Designed for the control group of patients for routine patient care mission, the intervention group were based on the doctor’s advice to emphasize the importance of diet therapy, diet therapy to strengthen education. Before discharge to complete the questionnaire again. Finally Access software Access software to establish a database application,SPSS 21.0 software to import the data into the related statistical analysis.This study approved by the hospital ethics committee for discussion study.Results:1 Through the subjects of sex, age, occupation, placeof residence, such as a baseline for statistical analysis, the results showed no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.10). Explain the situation between the two groups were generally no significant difference between comparable.2 On admission patient diet related konwledge and compliance are generally lower.3 Stroke inpatient treatment of diet-related knowledge level comparisonpatients in the intervention group emphasized the importance of diet therapy doctor and the corresponding treatment diet education, their knowledge of stroke dietary questionnaire scores were significantly improved, and all scores higher than the control group(P<0.05), a significant difference.4 Occupation, education level, place of residence. These 3 variablesfor stroke patients hospitalized diet affect compliance(P<0.05).5 Stroke inpatient treatment of dietary comparison patients in the intervention group emphasized the importance of diet therapy doctor and the corresponding treatment diet education, their treatment of dietary scores were significantly improved, and all scores higher than the control group(P<0.05), a significant difference.6 Occupation, education level, place of residence, stroke-related diseases, including heart disease, high cholesterol. These 5 variables for stroke patients hospitalized diet affect compliance(P<0.05).Conclusions:1 The current dietary treatment of hospitalized patients with stroke awareness needs to be improved.2 Emphasize diet therapy, intensive treatment to patients missionarydiet can improve the treatment of stroke patients hospitalized diet cognitive level and improve their diet therapy complianc.
Keywords/Search Tags:stroke, hospitalized patients, diet therapy, compliance, dietary intervention
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