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The Links Between Parkinson’s Clinic Features And Serological Levels Of Lipid And Urate

Posted on:2015-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhongFull Text:PDF
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Objective:To research the links between the severity,course,age atonset of Parkinson’s Disease, subclinical types and serological levels oflipid and urate. To support the possible risk factors and predictors forParkinson disease’s progression,and lead to a suitable diet and lift style.Methods:Statistic analysised the differences of serologic levels oflipid and urate between130PD patients and135human without PDcontrols, analysised the correlation between H-Y stage and PD patients’sage,course,sexy,LEDD and so on.We also compared the difference ofserologic levels between different subclinical types,and analysised thecorrelation between the levels of lipid,urate and Yahr stage,course and ageat onset of PD patients. Meanwhile,we analysised the effect of LEDD onthe serologic levels of urate and lipid.Results:Of the130PD patients, the proportion of the male andfemale was1.13:1,include28tremor type,44akinetic-rigid type and58equlvalent type.Mean age of PD patients was65.93±10.40years,mean ageof onset was61.43±10.83years, Mean PD duration was4.5±4.1years, and the mean Yahr stage was2.28(ranged1-5), the mean LEDD was37.5mg. H-Y stage was increasedly correlated with patients’s age,courseand LEDD,especially with course. Compared with the controls, the levelsof serological data had statistical differences, and both the level oflow-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL) between the tremor type andequlvalent type, and the level of ApoA1/HDL between rigiditybradykinesiatype and the tremor type had statistical diffences.Serum ApoA1/HDL wasinversely related to Yahr stage. However, LEDD did not effect theserological data.Conclusion:a) Patients’s H-Y stage were increasedly correlated withpatients’s age,course and LEDD,especially with course, suggested that astime gone by, the severity of PD became stronger and stronger.b) Serum levels of urate, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL andApoA1/HDL were significantly reduced in PD patients.c) The ApoA1/HDL and LDL between different subclinical types weredifferent.d) PD patients’s ApoA1/HDL ratio were inversely related to Yahrstage,indicated that the lower the ApoA1/HDL ratio,the stronger theseverity of PD was.e) LEDD was not correlated with serological level of urate and lipid,suggested that LEDD did not effect serological level of urate and lipid.
Keywords/Search Tags:lipid, Urate, Parkinson’s disease, Clinical features
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