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Combing Research Of Le Huu Trac’s《Hai Thuong Y Tong Tam Linh_Van Khi Mat Dien》

Posted on:2015-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431980274Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Research objectives:The theory of five movements and six climates in Chinesetraditional medicine, the acient rule by climate change, is an important part of thetheoretical system of medicine whose impact on human body is the crystalization ofthe wisdom based on long-term observation and research.China and Vietnam are veryclose neighbors, not only share long border but have also exchanged rich culture andtradition,especially in the field of tranditional medicine,since the very early time inhistory of the two countries.Throughout the history of exchanging traditionalmedicine between the two countries,in Vietnam’s Le dynasty of1770(Chinese Qingdynasty–QianLong years),Le Huu Trac wroted the book”Hai Thuong Y Tong TamLinh”which could be considered as a model of huge impact academic thinking inChinese traditional medicine.This thesis focuses on studying the entire system of thebook in order to understand profoundly theoretical origin, then to clarify the basiccontent of Le Huu Trac’s five movements and six climates so that his theory of fivemovements and six climates can be used as a guide in the clinical treatment ofacademic thought.Reseach contents:This thesis includes1.Introduction of Vietnamese master of traditional medicine Le Huu Trac’s lifeand his book.2.A research on the basic contents of five movements and six climates in”HaiThuong YTong Tam Linh”to explore the theoretical origins and the perspectives of LeHuu Trac’s five movements and six climates.3.From Le Huu Trac actual use of five movements and six climates,especiallyaccording to Vietnamese specific climate,geographical and clinical characteristics, generalize his application of the doctrine.Reseach methods:This thesis adopts the following research methods:Le HuuTrac’s“Hai Thuong Y Tong Tam Linh”(Chinese character version by WuChunXian,QingGaoZeng etc,1885, Morohito collected collate original book) is used as ablueprint, with reference to Vietnamese version published in2001.A careful analysiswith detailed comparison and relevant reference done on the information collectedabout preliminary textual research theoretical origins of Le Huu Trac’s fivemovements and six climates is followed by a description of the characteristics ofacademic terms in the book“Hai Thuong Y Tong Tam Linh Van Khi MatDien”.Reference to other volumes of the doctrine of five movements and sixclimates,especially in clinical applications,to further explore Le Huu Trac’s theory inclinical applications in“Hai Thuong YTong Tam Linh”.Reseach conclusions:1.Le Huu Trac’s“Van Khi Mat Dien”mainly elaborated the two aspects of theobservation air and five movements and six climates.Its main features are:①The book“Van Khi Mat Dien”by Le Huu Trac was the result from thecollection of relevant records of five movements and six climates theories of variousdynasties among which the“Huangdineijing Suwen”was the seven greattheory-oriented. Therefore,it can be said that Le Huu Trac’s theories of fivemovements and six climates and those of Chines are of the same root.In this thesis,theYunqi theory of Chinese traditional medicine plays a positive role and helps to reflectthe spread of Chinese traditional medicine to Vietnamese land with tremendousimpact;②The theory of five movements and six climates operates in a profoundorganized set of mesh,performing into verious chart with the use of concise writtenlanguage.Scholars,then,are expected to basically grasp the basic concepts andprinciples of the theory of five movements and six climates;③In terms of Le Huu Trac’s five movements and six climates theory,it can be saidthat the observation air is the typical characteristics of the book“Van Khi Bi Dien”.Hebelived that because of the consistency between human and the living environment,there appears a need to study the various regions that have specificclimate change.Moreover,changes in climate are often unstable.Therefore,it isimpossible to advance in the treatmen method of five movements and six climates.Inorder to affirm its inevitable changes,the climate must always be observed so thathuman may be able to know what changes occur.So Le Huu Trac added the lookoutfor the air portion of five movements and six climates theory;④It is important to remember that the use of the theory of five movements andsix climates should be based on the actual situation of thespecific“Time–Place–People”so that it will not violate Chinese traditional medicineprinciple“Time–Place–Person”.Le Huu Trac had studied and mastered Chinesemedicine five movements and six climates as well as deeply understood the“Tenchijincorresponding”which is the most important of the theory of five movements and sixclimates.2.By using five movements and six climates actively and incorporatelyin clinicaldiagnosis and treatment, as well as by observing Vietnam’s climate characteristics,regional characteristics of the diseases, then, combined all with his own experience inclinic practice, Le Huu Trac had built his own characteristics in diagnosis andtreatment of six evil pathogenesis. Vietnamese doctors’later use of the fivemovements and six climates played a good model of Le Huu Trac’s theory.Vietnam islocated in the tropical zone with hot, humid and rainy climate, mostly physique’sQiyinkuixu and Shixiepiansheng. Therefore, in the treatment of six evil pathogenesis,Le Huu Trac’s treatment method very importance ofQingyangjiebiao,Jianpihuashi,Buxueyangyin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Le Huu Trac, 《Van Khi Mat Dien》, five movements and sixclimates
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