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The Study Of Scholarly Development And Inheritance Of Lingnan Chinese Medicine Dermatology Before1912

Posted on:2015-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431979604Subject:Traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Refer to<Category of Lingnan medical monographs) and works by Lingnan Chinese Medicine doctors, as well as historical medical doctors’information, this study widely collect records of dermatologic diseases from works of Lingnan Chinese medicine doctors, take down details about recognition, theories and therapeutic methods of dermatologic diseases so as to sort out the scholarly development and inheritance of Lingnan Chinese medicine dermatology. What’s more, this study collected cases of eczema treated by professor Xuan. Prescription principles were analyzed in order to reveal professor Xuan’s inheritance of scholar thoughts of ancient Lingnan dermatology and further development.Methods:1. To collect medical works by Chinese medicine doctors in Lingnan through the method of literature investigation and surveillance.This study focuses on<Chinese medicine in Lingnan),<Dictionary of names of Chinese medicine doctors),<Thesaurus of Chinese medicine doctors〉,<Medical works in different provinces),<Category of Lingnan medical monographs〉, to widely collect works of ancient Chinese medicine doctors.2. When works of ancient doctors have been collected, read over the contents and take down the materials that are relevant to dermatologic diseases.(1) Inclusion criteria①Content includes name of the disease, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and formulas as well.②Content with description of symptoms, pattern of syndrome differentiation and treatment.③Mention of skin lesions and treatment under the description of other disease.④Systemic description of skin disease in medical cases.⑤Mention of skin disease in case study.⑥Records on background of people, anecdotes and historical materialobjects.(2) Exclusion criterion①Mention of names of skin diseases or only clinical manifestations without etiology, pathogenesis and treatment in details.3. Sorting out contents that has been recorded in a chart format(Appendix3) or through documents and photos.4. Collects eczema cases treated by professor Xuan, all the prescriptions are processed by "Chinese medicine assistance system(V2.0)" in order to analyze prescription principles by professor Xuan by using data mining method.5. To summary and analyze the scholarly development and inheritance of Lingnan Chinese medicine dermatology.6. By using method of data mining, this study will reveal the prescription principles and scholar thoughts of professor Xuan, so as to reveal the scholar inheritance relationship between professor Xuan and ancient Lingnan dermatology.Results:This study has collected the130works from libraries and has read over them and takes down the materials relevant to dermatologic diseases in formats of charts, documents and photos. There are52works contain dermatologic diseases materials (Table2). This study also collected200Chinese medicine prescriptions of eczema by professor Xuan, all herbs in each prescription are processed by " Chinese medicine assistance system(V2.0)". By analyzing and concluding, the distinct constitution of people from Lingnan area is summarized, development and inheritance of Lingnan dermatology is sorted out and scholar thoughts of professor Xuan and scholar inheritance relationship between professor Xuan and ancient Lingnan dermatology are revealed.Conclusion:1. Peculiar geographic environment and constitution of people in Lingnan. Lingnan area is influenced by typhoons all year round and is hot and humid. In this case, people in Lingnan area are easily invaded by pathogenic wind, dampness and heat. According to this, people in Lingnan can be easily invaded by exogenous pathogenic factors of wind dampness and heat, whereas, constitutions of insufficient of yin and Qi as well as insufficient of spleen and stagnation of dampness are formed inside. Hence, a special way of thinking and syndrome differentiation pattern in terms of peculiar Lingnan core etiology and pathogenesis is constituted.2. Development of Lingnan dermatology in Chinese medicineA mature dermatologic specialty has not been established ever since the ancient time in Lingnan, nor has dermatologists. However, treating dermatologic diseases has always been existed.There had been doctors from other places of China migrating to Lingnan since Jin-Tang dynasty. Gehong must be one of the most influential figures. His book "Prescriptions for Emergent Reference" recorded more than140titles of treating dermatologic diseases, mostly carbuncle and ulcer."Prescriptions for Emergent Reference" was a limestone of recognition of dermatologic disease in Chinese medicine history and had laid a solid foundation of principles and therapeutic methods for treating dermatologic diseases for the offspring.Start from Song-Jin-Yuan-Ming dynasty, authentic doctors started to come to light in Lingnan."A New Book of Pediatrics" by Liufang in Song is a general medical book, many pediatric dermatologic diseases are mentioned. In Yuan dynasty,〈Lingnan prescription〉 by Shijihong is the most notable one and characteristically recorded syphilis.In Ming dynasty,〈Collection of experiences of famous physicians〉is another masterpiece, and pediatric skin diseases were also recorded including tinea and ulcer. Wanglun had expended a new era for treatment regiment in dermatology.Qing dynasty is a summit of the development of dermatology in ancient China. The most prestigious doctors who wrote this type of books were notably Fujiguang, Dumaoying, Liangsiqi and Zhouguishan. They not only inherited the scholarly ideology of the three schools of surgery, but also creatively put forward new theory in combination of the peculiar etiology and pathogenesis of Lingnan.Lingnan medicine derived from central plain China. According the prescription prescribed by Lingnan doctors, it is easy to assume that the scholar thoughts of Lingnan doctors are inherited from surgery of Chinese medicine of central plain China3. Professor Xuan has not only inherited the scholar thoughts from ancient Lingnan dermatology, but also gives a further development.When treating eczema, professor Xuan frequently prescribes drugs with dispelling wind, purging heat, removing dampness, and tonifying spleen and nourishing yin properties, which is same as the core etiology and pathogenesis of ancient Lingnan dermatoses, and is consistent to the scholar thoughts of ancient Lingnan dermatology. Meanwhile, on the basis of inheritance the core thoughts of ancient Lingnan dermatology, professor Xuan has further developed tonifying kidney, detoxifying, and removing blood stasis methods in treating Lingnan dermatoses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lingnan Chinese Medicine, Chinese medicine dermatology, Development, Inheritance
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