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Research On Prevention And Control Of Mental Disorder Criminals

Posted on:2015-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Facing the presented uncontrolled crime status of mental disorders,comprehensive and systematic crimes prevention and control mechanism is needed tobe established immediately. Mental disorders crimes prevention and controlmechanism is not only beneficial to prevent and cure mental disorder, but also preventmental disorders from committing a crime again. Mental disorders prevention andcontrol mechanism, consisted of advance prevention and afterwards control, is asocial defense network, which is used to prevent and control mental disorders fromcarrying out criminal. It is the purpose that protects the mental disorders’ and victims’human rights as well as social defense, and it contacted closely and woven togetheramong government, institutions, social organizations, community and families.Building reasonably and implementing smoothly mental disorders crimeprevention and control mechanisms, not only directly related to whether the socialdefense objectives can be achieved, but also affects whether the mental disorders’human rights can be protected and whether the mental disorders can be treated timelyand effectively. Build a scientific and rational mental disorders crime advanceprevention mechanisms, in particular, on the one hand through the prevention ofgenetic, psychological and social means to prevent mental disorders; on the otherhand by strengthening the regulatory functions of government, establishing andimproving the social assistance system, strengthening the responsibility ofguardianship families, improving mental health treatment system and improving therelevant legal framework to achieve effective supervision of existing mental disordersand medical care. Therefore, guaranteeing that the goal of preventing the crime fromcarrying out can be achieved effectively, and this is beneficial to build and improvethe social defense system. Therefore, guaranteeing that the goal of preventing thecrime from carrying out can be achieved effectively, and this is beneficial to build andimprove the social defense system. Firstly, let mental disorders that are accordingwith mandatory medical conditions to get treatment and rehabilitation training incompulsory medical institutions, and achieve the goal of letting mental disorders getback to society by improving the compulsory medical system. Secondly, through theestablishment of community mental rehabilitation institution, we can let the mentaldisorder criminals that not only don’t criminally responsible but also don’t complywith the applicable mandatory medical conditions to accept rehabilitation treatment and management, and this is not only beneficial to mental disorders’ development butalso can play a role in the defense of society; Thirdly, through building the mentaltreatment institutions in prison, we can let the mental disorders that need to be heldcriminally responsible accept psychiatric treatment during the serving process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mental Disorders Crimes, Prevention and Control Mechanism, Advance Prevention, Afterwards Control
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