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The Study Of Six Disease In Three Part Medical Schools Of Medical Thought

Posted on:2015-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431480747Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of traditional Chinese medicine, The formation and development of different medical schools, has been considered the characteristic of the academic development of traditional Chinese medicine, is nearly two thousand unique phenomenon in the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Can say, the formation and development of medical schools, promote the continuous development of the traditional Chinese medicine. Summarizes the formation and development of different academic schools, achievements and rule, can not only deepen the understanding of the regularity of formation and development of TCM academic ideas, but also to promote the research and innovation of the academic theory of TCM. This article through the in-depth study of "three six medical schools" and find the general rules of the academic schools of traditional Chinese medicine development draw lessons from the experience constantly promote innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine.This paper mainly use the research methods in the process of study is a literature study_method:.collecting.related to this topic of books, archives and related literature. Secondly, expert interview method, interview some experience and participated in the "three six medical schools" created by the experts and school study, in-depth understanding of "three six medical schools" creation process, and understand that experts and the understanding of the students, and experts of the "three six medical schools" to create some views and the organization.Has collected quite rich and "Six disease in three part medical schools" related literature. Especially in shanxi college of traditional Chinese medicine hospital saw six medical schools""three important Mr Liu’s academic inheritance Wen Hui chief physician. All of these make this paper more deeply in this paper, the research medical thought of "Six disease in three part" Medical schools of Six disease in three part can spread its academic thought, with Mr Founder Mr Liu from theory at the beginning of creation, practice every land was founded to" friends of benevolence medical club "spread propaganda medical thought of"Six disease in three part "has a close relationship. Later, the "Six disease in three part medical schools" has formed his own research institutions. Mr Liu Sir This kind of way to spread your theory and contemporary American famous philosopher Thomas Kuhn on science communication and discourse, and innovation. Since Kuhn believes that the biggest impact of the development of science than "scientific community".
Keywords/Search Tags:Six disease in three part, Academic schools of traditional Chinesemedicine, Academic idea
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