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Clinical Studies Of Breast Conserving Surgery For Early Breast Cancer

Posted on:2015-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S N ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: This study was designed to investigate the status of breast cancer treatmentof the First Hospital of Dalian Medical University, and to compare the outcome ofstrategy between breast-conserving therapy group and traditional therapy group. Toexplore the affect of risk factors, included age, tumor size, lymph node metastasis,surgical margin, histological type, molecular typing of breast cancer, Her-2status,postoperative radiotherapy, postoperative chemotherapy, endocrine therapy,on overallsurvival time, local recurrence time and progression-free survival time in patients of thebreast-conserving therapy group.Method: The clinical data of446patients in the First Hospital of Dalian MedicalUniversity from January2003to December2013were analyzed retrospectively.223patients received breast-conserving therapy.223patients received modified radicalmastectomy treatment. We conducted the retrospective statistics of clinicopathologicalfactors.Multivariate analysis of prognostic factors were preformed, including age, tumorsize, lymph node metastasis, surgical margin, histological type, molecular typing ofbreast cancer, Her-2status, postoperative radiotherapy, postoperative chemotherapy,endocrine therapy,on overall survival time, local recurrence time and progression-freesurvival time in patients of the breast-conserving therapy group.Results:Through comparative analysis,223cases of breast-conserving surgery and223cases of patients with modified radical mastectomy was no significant difference inoverall survival, breast-conserving surgery in patients with postoperative5-yearsurvival rate was96.8%, after modified radical mastectomy patients with5-yearsurvival was96.9%. BCT group median follow-up time of32months, the5-yearoverall survival rate was96.8%,5-year local control rate of77%,5-yearprogression-free survival rate of74%. The clinical and pathological factors affect theoutcome of the analysis showed that the key factors affecting local recurrence, includingpostoperative radiotherapy(P=0.010) and tumor molecular typing(P=0.012), the keyfactors affecting the progression-free survival time, including postoperativeradiotherapy(P=0.000) and tumor molecular typing(P=0.032), and postoperativeradiotherapy(P=0.045) is a key factor affecting overall survival time. Conclusion: Breast-conserving surgery has become the preferred treatment for earlybreast cancer. The overall survival rate and local recurrence rate between the two groupwas not statistically different.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early breast cancer, Breast-conserving surgery, Risk factor, Molecular typing, Efficacy
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