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Analysis And Research On Erosion Of Cyclone Separator’s Wall

Posted on:2017-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330509952979Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cyclone separator is separation equipment of different density of mixed liquid by centrifugal force, because there is no moving parts, It has many advantages such as simple structure, It is widely used in many industrial departments. In the first system of drip irrigation, the cyclone separator is used to separate the sediment and the effect is remarkable. When it is used in the actual operation process some problems are gradually revealed, and the wear of the wall of the cyclone separator has become the most important problem which restricts its application and development. In this thesis, for the wall of the cyclone separator is a serious wear, using a combination of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation research methods, the study of cyclone separator’s wall wear of cyclone separator’s wall erosion mechanism.Firstly, introduce the process and effect factors of erosion of material surface, CFD wall wear prediction model is established based on the calculation of solid-liquid two-phase flow in cyclone separator wall wear degree by using this method. That cyclone separator’s wall wear form for local wear, wall surface is seriously worn areas:(1) cyclone separator at the entrance to the opposite wall;(2) hydrocyclone separation cone wall;(3) cyclone separator bottom of cone and underflow pipe joints. Cylinder wall wear a fan-shaped distribution and continuity; conical section wear with multiple random; taper bottom and underflow pipe joint wear mutation, wear value appeared obvious peak.Secondly, the interaction between the flow field and the wall is analyzed by the method of fluid solid coupling. The results show that the flow field in the cyclone separator is continuously changing, which leads to the inner wall of the appear tiny displacement change and underflow pipe at small strain and stress from quantitative change to qualitative change, make the material of the inner wall of the cyclone separator performance changes, thereby reducing the cyclone separator wall surface of the wear degreThirdly, the influence of structural parameters, operating parameters and physical parameters on the wear of the wall is studied. Research shows that:(1) the entrance area is at the entrance of the wall of the wear, entrance area is small, wall of the increased wear;(2) cyclone separator with Archimedes spiral entry form, can effectively increase the radius of gyration of the particles and reduce the particles on the wall surface of the impulse.;(3) wall maximum wear rate and the speed of 2.52 Times Square is in proportion to the;(4) wear position and particle particle size have direct relation, in different particle size of cyclone separator caused by the maximum wear position vary;(5) the particle volume fraction will impact abrasion of cyclone separator changes. To lay the foundation for further improvement and improvement of design and optimization of structure size in order to improve the performance of equipment.Finally, The mechanism of the wear of the wall of the cyclone separator is described, and the wear resisting measures are put forward. Cyclone separator wear can be from the following aspects:(1) optimization of cyclone separator structure, such as the use of the appropriate form of portal;(2) improved manufacturing processes, especially welding quality improve the wear resistance ability is of great help;(3) the rational use of rotary flow separator, such as regular cleaning cyclone separator, and pay attention to the inlet flow rate control at the same time.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Surface of the Cyclone separator, Erosion, Erosion Mechanis
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