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Introduction Adaptability Research Of Tamarix L. To Chang Yi

Posted on:2016-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L JiangFull Text:PDF
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The aim of this paper is to enrich germplasm resources of Tamarix Chinese which are used to transform saline. We choosed seven exotic species such as T.gansuensis, T.austro-mongolica, T.ramosissima, T.hispida,T.elongata, T.korolkowii, T.hohenackeri. T.chinensis. The experiments were carried out in Changyi after we took branches back from these origin. T.chinensisLour. used to be controls in the experiments.The branches of Tamarix Chinese with 0.6 cm diameter and 15-20 cm length were choosed in seedling experiment. Survival rates of cottage experiment were collected after 2 months. In October, the determination of tamarisk plant height, stem diameter, dry weight, root length on the ground, and lateral root number, etc.The results show that the seedling survival rate of native region tamarisk of is the highest, reaching 82.23%. he highest in the introduction of higher plant height for nakai tamarisk and gansu tamarisk.In the introduction of nakai tamarisk and gansu tamarisk, stems less than Chinese tamarisk, roughly but the difference did not reach significant level.In the introduction of seven kinds of primary branches can be found in the study, long l has the highest level of branch number, number of primary branches and tamarix is slightly lower than the Chinese tamarisk, but did not reach significant difference levels;Gansu tamarisk, upright tamarisk, spend a tamarisk primary branch number significantly lower than the Chinese tamarisk.Local Chinese tamarisk in leaf, stem, root and total dry matter accumulated and so on various aspects were higher than the introduction of species.L seedling survival needs after transplanting to afforestation within the field.Based on different kinds of artificial afforestation survival rate, according to a study of local Chinese tamarisk was the highest survival rate of afforestation, khammouane tamarisk and gansu tamarisk is slightly lower than the Chinese tamarisk, of which afforestation survival rate of the lowest multiple tamarisk.Nearbu area local species of Chinese tamarisk the most rapid growth and development, and the plant height, crown breadth and stem base crude were significantly higher than the introduction.In introduction experiment, local Chinese tamarisk chlorophyll content is the highest, khammouane tamarisk and Mongolia tamarisk chlorophyll content is slightly lower than Chinese tamarisk, but did not reach significant difference levels.Spend tamarisk chlorophyll content is the lowest.Chinese tamarisk was the highest net photosynthetic rate, gansu and tamarix relative to the Chinese tamarisk slightly reduced but did not reach significant difference levels.Spend the minimum net photosynthetic rate of tamarisk and upright tamarisk, relative to the Chinese tamarisk difference reached significant level.Tamarisk nearbu region after the introduction, the different degree of stomatal opening in the tamarisk has significant difference.Gansu and tamarix of stomatal conductance, respectively compared with 12.6 and 9.6% percentage points higher than that of local tamarisk Chinese tamarisk.Length l, spend tamarisk, many branches of tamarisk, bristles tamarisk, upright tamarisk relative to the Chinese tamarisk, the stomatal conductance have varying degrees of lower.Spend tamarisk and upright tamarisk was the highest of intercellular CO2 concentration, relative to the Chinese tamarisk were 21.8 and 14.7% respectively.Nakai tamarisk and gansu tamarisk intercellular CO2 concentration is slightly higher than the Chinese tamarisk but did not reach significant difference levels.After transplanting afforestation, the transpiration rate of Chinese tamarisk highest, spend tamarisk and upright tamarisk transpiration rate is lowest, relative to the Chinese tamarisk difference reached significant level.Clustering analysis of the test results show that the bristles tamarisk can as class 1, class 2 for nakai taxonomy and gansu tamarisk, remaining varieties for class 3.In seven introduced varieties and local nearbu region tamarisk nearest for category 2 nakai taxonomy and gansu tamarisk, said nakai tamarisk and most adaptable tamarisk in nearbu region in gansu province.Adaptability of the worst for class 3 varieties of tamarisk.
Keywords/Search Tags:Introduction, Adaptability, Tamarix L., Chang Yi
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