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Effects Of Formulated Fertilization On Fruit Quality And Freezing Resistance Of Korla Fragrant Pear

Posted on:2016-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LiFull Text:PDF
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Korla fragrant p ear, origin ating in Korla of Bazhou area, is one characteristic fruit of Xin g jian g. In r ecent y ears, due to the imp rop er use of fertilizer and the extremely cold weather in wint er, the p roduction of Korla fragrant p ear has been restricted. This study chose korla fragrant p ear as the exp erimental materials and these materials had been fertilized in three different formulas for one y ear or two y ears. T he fertilizers used in Korla fragrant p ear trees contained rotten dung, bio lo gical black carbon, ur ea, granu lar sup erp hosp hate, agricu ltural p otassium sulfate and trace elements, and they were mixed in different quality with fertilization methods, help ing to measure the fruit quality, the contents of mineral nutrients in the soil and leaves and the cold r esistance indexes of bran ches. Thus, the exp eriment exp lored the effects of three differ ent formulated fertilizations on the fruit quality, the mineral nutrition contents and the cold resistance of fragrant p ear. The results showed that:1. For 1 year’s formulated fertilizations, the soluble sugar content increased by 7.69% ~ 15.24% and was the highest in fruit using Formulated fertilization 2; The content of Vc in creased by 7.24% ~ 15.69%, and was the highest in fruit usin g Formulated fertilization 2; the total acid content in fruit usin g Formulated fertilization 2 was 15.87%, f allin g in maximum value. For two years’ Formulated fertilizations, comp ared with CK2, the single fruit weight of fragrant p ear using Formulated fertilization 1, 2 and 3 increased by 5.192 g, 9.139 g and 6.41 g r esp ectively; the Vc contents resp ectively increased by 10.73 %, 32.24% and 33.34%; the soluble sugar contents increased by 18.26%, 37.87% and 32.43% r esp ectively; the TSS contents increased r esp ectively by 4.47%, 10.26% and 6.18%; the fruit firmness of fragrant p ear using Formulated fertilization 2 chan ged signif icantly. Thus, the effects of two years’ formulated fertilizations on the fragrant p ear were better than that of one y ear’s formulated fertilizations, and Formulated fertilization 2 was the best formula for imp rovin g the quality of fragrant p ear fruit.2. For 1 year’s formulated fertilizations, contents of the nutrient elements in the leaves had an increasin g trend; Under the same lon g y ears of fertilization, contents of N, P, K, Ca and Zn in the leaves using Formu lated fertilization 2 were the high est, while the content of Fe redu ced; contents of N, P, Ca and Zn in fr agrant p ear leaves usin g Formulated fertilization 2 for 2 y ears were higher than that in fragrant p ear leaves using other two formulas.3. For 1 year’s formulated fertilizations, compared with CK1, contents of alkaline hy droly sis N, availab le P, availab le K, translatable Ca, M g and effective Fe in soil incr eased in diff erent degrees; In the soil dep th of 0~20cm, Formulated fertilization 2 comp ared with CK1, the contents of alkaline hy droly sis N, K, Ca, available P, effective Fe, M g and translatable Ca in soil using Formulated fertilizations increased high er than others; In the soil depth of 40~60 cm, alkaline hy droly sis N, translatable Ca, M g and effective Fe in soil usin g formulated fertilizations increased in d ifferent degrees, comp ared with CK1, The most highest is formulated fertilizations, but declined dramatically comp ared with that in other soil dep ths.4. Under 2 years’ formulated fertilizations, contents of miner al nutrition exhibited a general in creasin g trend. In the soil dep th of 0~20cm, and contents of alkaline hy droly sis N, contents of available K, effective Fe, translatable Ca, M g and Zn were the highest, formulated fertilization 2 were sign ificantly higher than that in soil using other two formulas. Contents of effective Fe decreased with the dep th of soil increasing.5. Under one y ear’s and two years’ Formulated fertilizations, The total of the starch contents decreased; comp ared with one y ear’s Formulated fertilizations, contents of soluble sugar, p roline and malond iald ehy de in fragrant p ear using Formulated fertilizations for two y ears increased in different degrees; In the artificial low temp erature stress under the same long y ears of fertilizations, contents of soluble su gar, solub le p rotein and malond iald ehy de in fragr ant p ear using Formulated fertilization 2 were higher than that in fragrant p ear using other formulas.6. The freezin g r esistance of branch es usin g for mulated fertilization showed in an order as: Formu lated f ertilization 2 > Formulated fertilization 3 > Formulated fertilization 1 > CK...
Keywords/Search Tags:Korla fragrant p ear, formulated fertilization, fruit quality, mineral nutrition, freezing resistance
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