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Production And Development Prospect Of Xinjiang Barley

Posted on:2014-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ChenFull Text:PDF
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This article was based pre-research and other relevant data and information, combinedwith the actual survey, by organizing, summarizing and analyzing, briefly introduce the worldand our barley development and present, especially for barley production in Xinjiang,summed up the country and Xinjiang Barley production, problems and future trends, proposeddevelopment in the new situation in Xinjiang barley preliminary ideas.At present, China was still in the low development during the production of barley, therewere many outstanding issues, these were: Comprehensive level and efficient of high-qualityspecial barley breeding was less, barley production of high-quality cultivation techniques waslow, processing technology and production processes for food and feed of barley was lack, thethese were not good to combine theory with practice and practice, the production and researchand sales was confusion. In contrast, the Xinjiang has advantages of grown barley condition:(1) favorable climatic conditions.(2) It was rich in land resources with more adequate waterresources.(3) Malting barley were easy to achieve the saving cost efficiently.(4) Maltingbarley was adaptability, could take advantage of poor land.Barley production in Xinjiang region had many unique climatic conditions. Currently,the Corps and other farms of malting barley grown were larger and more concentrated in theodd units, the Balkan, Emir County. But compared to the early1990s, barley production wasstill in the doldrums period. Reasons for this situation were four points:(1) the impact ofimports of malting barley.(2) The materials of malting barley produced in Xinjiang in thequality were low.(3) Products for export haul far and increased the costs.(4) local growingconditions and cultivation techniques needed to improved.For these problems, the six feasibility measures were:(1)focus on high-quality breeding,optimization of cultivation techniques.(2)to promote base construction, support leadingenterprises.(3)increase policy support and optimize the quality of the structure.(4)improve the market system, and expand regional layout.(5)strengthen infrastructure,abundant service platform.(6)accelerate the technology research and development of newvarieties of barley.Additionally, this article discussed the development of a prospective study of barley,there were five areas:(1) Identification of specific breeding material, gene mining andutilization.(2) Rapid the breeding technology research efficiently.(3) The modern productionmanagement and cultivation techniques.(4) Major insect pest control techniques and newtechnology research and forecasting.(5) High-value-added products and processingtechnology development.
Keywords/Search Tags:barley, Production, problems, countermeasures
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