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Changes And Analysis Of Soil And Water Loss In Jiuxian Mountain Small Watershed

Posted on:2015-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L WeiFull Text:PDF
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In this paper, based on high resolution aerial photo and health as the main source of information, combined with the land use data and DEM elevation, through ERDAS IMAGINE and ARCGIS software, using geographic information system(GIS) technology, comprehensive geography and landscape ecology, statistics, land evaluation, such as a variety of methods, to analysis the variation of quantity characteristics and spatial pattern about soil and water loss status of QuFu Jiuxianshan small watershed of Lu Zhong Nan land low hilly in Shandong province from 2009 to 2013, and analysis the causes and the hazard of soil erosion in small watershed, to provide decision-making basis for regional soil and water loss monitoring and comprehensive management.Results show that in 2013, the watershed water and soil loss area account for 44.93% of the total area of the watershed in Jiuxianshan small watershed, the erosion intensity is given priority to with moderate, mild erosion, and the erosion intensified trend of spatial distribution from low to high elevation presents.The micro degree erosion is mainly distributed in the mountain plains where the slope is more gentle and the low-lying inclined slope, showed patchy distribution of large area; Mild erosion is mainly distributed the junction of mountains inclined plain and hilly area, the distribution is more scattered; Moderate erosion mainly concentrated in the north and southwest slope of the basin where altitude is high, at the same time,on both sides east and west of the basin also has a small amount of stuff scattered patchy distribution; Strong erosion and extremely strong erosion area is smaller, the main distribution is the slope of high altitude and bigger slope, showing scattered as a whole. Compared with 2009, the area of soil erosion in Jiuxianshan small watershed reduced 27.18hm2, but the erosion intensity increased, Moderate erosion increases 16.32 hm2, strong erosion increases 2.66 hm2, and extremely strong erosion increases 0.19 hm2.Soil and water loss in the small watershed of Jiuxianshan are mainly formed in the role of the hydraulic erosion, the main form of erosion is surface erosion, and Its causes related to natural and human factors aspects.Natural factors are the objective conditions for the occurrence and development of soil erosion potential, unreasonable human production activities are the main factors to increase the soil and water loss.Embodied in garden area increase, less soil conservation measures, and part of the plot without soil conservation measures; a single forest category, bringing layer is thin, poor soil and soil water storage capacity; coupled with a strong human disturbance, the development process is inevitable disturbance of the original vegetation and topography, and the corresponding erosion caused.In view of the problems and put forward the corresponding and reasonable suggestions: Jiuxianshan small watershed should speed up the construction of protection forest system, improve the quality of the vegetation coverage, and intensify the development of construction project supervision; and provide ideas and mode of operation for the planning and comprehensive management of soil and water loss of small scale area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiuxian mountain small watershed, Soil and water loss, Change analysis
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