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The Research Of Callus Culture And Regernaration Of Gymnadenia Conopsea (L.)R. Br.

Posted on:2015-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M F LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the investigation of effect of types of explants and plant growth regulators oncallus induction, the effect of plant growth regulators on adventitious shoot formation androoting, the protocols for plant regeneration in Gymnadenia conopsea (L.)R. Br. had beendeveloped.othersides,do some basic work about the browning of explants. The resultsindicated that:1there was differences in induction percentages, in which the explant derived from stemtips produced up to60%callus induction on MS medium with0.5mg.L-1NAA.2The medium supplemented with0.1mg.L-1NAA was more suitable for callusproliferation,the highest frequencies of adventitious shoot formation(53.3%) was on the MSmedium supplemented with0.1mg.L-1TDZ,and the mean number of shoot is4.4,the meanlength of shoot is4.7cm,but the basal medium MS supplemented with0.1mg.L-1TDZ and0.1mg.L-1NAA was in favor of the shoot proliferation and growth.3The high rooting percentages (30.6%) and the mean number of roots is2.5.Excellentdevelopment root systems were obtained on1/2MS medium supplemented with0.5mg.L-1NAA.4The browning rate is lowest,choose the stem tips,1/2MS medium and cultured inliquid medium with PvP.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gymnadeniaconopsea(L.)R.Br., Tissueculture, Callus, Adventitiousshootformation, Rooting
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