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Analysis Of Comprehensive Management Of Small Watershed

Posted on:2015-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330431994355Subject:Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Comprehensive harness of small watershed, is to control soil erosion, strengthen the agricultural infrastructure construction, improve the conditions of production and life of the masses Hill District, an important project of consolidating the results of returning farmland to forest, is an important part of security project area people’s life and the national food security, is to improve people’s livelihood, improve agricultural infrastructure, to promote the sound and fast the development of the rural economy, to promote the sustainable development of regional economy, are of great significance to promote the construction of new countryside and hilly area of national food security, ecological security and safety of flood control.This paper first expounded the research background, research ideas and methods. Based on comprehensive governance theory and practice of comprehensive summary to domestic and foreign small watershed, economics, operations research, theory and method of science of soil and water conservation, a comprehensive theoretical analysis on the control of soil erosion in Guang’an city; and combine theory with practice, taking small watershed Da’an Town Guang’an District Guang’an as an example, through the literature material method, field survey method, empirical analysis method, introduced the project area natural condition of soil and water loss, the project area now exist and problems. In accordance with the relevant basis for the comprehensive management plan, should take on the slope land management measures for a scientific design, then the implementation of the project construction organization. After completion of the work to carry out a full range of before and after comparison of small watershed management, analysis of the comprehensive management of small watershed. The optimization model of comprehensive management of small watershed. The result has an important theoretical and practical significance for the small watershed comprehensive management guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small Watershed, Comprehensive Control, Benefit Analysis, Construction Organization
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