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Research On The Basic Medical Insurance Path Of Urban And Rural Residents

Posted on:2016-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330464465466Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important part of our social security system, medical insurance system should spread the economic risk beyond burden of families and individuals to maintain a basic life standard, by the participation of all members of society. China has established a basic medical insurance system which includes Urban Worker’s Basic Medical Insurance, Urban Residents’ Basic Medical Insurance, New Cooperative Medical System(NCMS). The basic medical insurance system protect all members of society and basically achieve the goal of “universal health care”. However, there are many new problems exposed during practicing. At present, the reform of China’s medical insurance system goes into a new era with the goal of "universal health care". We should fully integrate urban and rural medical resources, improve the basic medical insurance system arrangements, and realize the integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance gradually. China’s economic and social development is still uneven between regions. Thus achieving the integration of basic medical insurance for urban and rural areas should be phased in step by step, instead of overnight. In the short term, we should actively explore the path to achieve integration of medical insurance for urban residents and NCMS, promoting the integration of urban and rural residents in the basic medical insurance. Then explore the path and practices of integrating the basic medical securities for both workers and residents till the economic and social developments to be prepared, to achieve universal health care.This paper analyzes the issue on the theory and practice, by literature analysis, data analysis, comparative analysis and other methods, in the perspective of equalization of public services. Running through changes to the existing status quo of China’s urban and rural residents in the basic medical insurance system were elaborated in Taiyuan city comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between the two systems, and demonstrates the necessity of urban and rural residents in the basic medical insurance, through a comparative analysis of domestic and international aspects of urban and rural residents in the basic medical insurance model, content, features, etc. summarize the experience for reference and inspiration, make policy recommendations to promote urban and rural residents in China’s basic medical insurance co-ordination, mainly elaborated from the principles, policies designed three related policies.The reform of urban and rural residents in the basic medical insurance meet the development trend of integration in our society, which is also key elements of deepen health reform. The current objectives of the reform of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents in the basic medical insurance system improve the level of protection and improve the overall level. The ultimate goal of health care reform security system is up and co-ordination of the three basic medical insurance, basic medical insurance to establish a unified system for all citizens equal access to medical and health resources and basic health care, promoting social justice, promote the development of a harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Residents’ s Basic Medical Insurance, NCMS, Rural Integration, Path Analysis
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