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Research On The Development Of China 's Science And Technology Bank

Posted on:2016-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S N LiFull Text:PDF
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The development of a country cannot do without the innovation of science and technology, the role of scientific and technological innovation of important globaleconomic development of the most high. High tech SMEs are an important force to promote new industries and technology innovation. Thus speeding up the development of science and technology enterprises is to acceleratescientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the development of China’s economy. But scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprise risk early in the development of its own assets greater and less, has been faced with financing difficulties.In such a case the financial support system of science and technology need to obtain corresponding construction, the financial system, the bank is the biggest subject banks to increase support for the enterprise of science and technology, science and technology enterprises predicament may effectively relieve get considerable development.Research on the topic of this paper is to research on the development of science and technology bank. The purpose is the deficiency through investigation and comparison of the current situation of the development of science and technology at home and abroad banks find the development of Chinese science and technology bank, analyzed the restricted factors to restrict the development of China’s science and technology bank, hoping to find the crack restriction our country science and technology development is the key from the bank. Based on this research, the main contents of this paper are as follows:The article is divided into five parts. First of all, this paper emphasized on the background and make an introduction to the research significance, research status of related fields in this paper involved in banking technology at home and abroad and summarizes the research methods used, clear and simple introduces the general structure, meanwhile points out the innovation and deficiency. Using the theory of cause analysis are described in banking technology. The comparison between Chinese and American technology bank discovers our country technology problems of banks. The construction of model ISM,On the factors of China’s science and Technology Development Bank Limited analysis, the relationship between these factors restricting the comb, in order to fundamentally put forward finally technology bank development policy recommendations according to the empirical conclusions of this paper is the construction of the development of China’s science and technology bank.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sci-Tech Bank, Restricting factors, ISM
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