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Research On The Construction Of Channels To Improve The Service Level Of Commercial Banks

Posted on:2015-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330434474327Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the banking competition lies on not only the financial products and credit,but also the high-qualitied services, which are of diversification, standardization andsystematization. So those who can provide customers with the satisfied and convenientservices will capture the customers’ heart and gain competitive factors. As one of serviceindustries, Banking, which is based on service should strengthen its service awareness,change its service concept and enhance the measure to promote its service level. It shouldbe started from the following factors as the supply, quality, efficiency, means, andenvironment of the financial service, so that it can meet the growing financial demand ofpeople.On the premise of the commitment as a member of WTO, our bank is graduallyopening up to foreign banks, which have had years of experience on the customer care,technical support, product innovation, channel construction and creation, of which they aretaking highly advantage to compete with us. After their entrance, China banking industrycould not stay calm,and the competition of them become increasingly fierce. With theforeign banks’ entrance and the product and technical innovation of banking industry, thebank is facing lots of new situations as follows. Firstly, the customers have higherexpectations on the financial services. They need not only the efficient and accuratebusiness handling, but also the good feelings and experiences. Secondly, the competitionbecome increasingly fierce along with the entrance of foreign banks and the reorganizationof large state-owned banks. Thirdly, because of the development of communicationstechnologies, the means of banking service has been developed diversely. But thecustomers have different attitudes towards the banking self-service. Comparably, youngpeople prefer to handling the financial business through it. Fourthly, with the increasingwealth accumulation of Chinese people, more and more financial management services arelargely required by the middle-and-high end customers, who need not only the singleproduction but also a package of financial services.Recently years, as the rapid growing economy and improvement of socialinformation-based level, the financial services are increasingly diversified so that a sharpincrease of the business volume occur in the ICBC’s banking outlets. Meanwhile, therecome lots of problems including lone queue-up and waiting time, VIP customer care andpersonalized service.Whether the channel building department can adapt the rapid change of the business development, marketing competition, customers’ demand, and business environment isplaying an important role in the sustainable development of ICBC of Inner Mongoliabranch. ICBC should consistently keep on the way of science and technology and takeadvantage of the E-bank trade as the main channel. We should make decision to change thepassive situation of long queue and waiting time in order to fundamentally improve theICBC’s service efficiency and comprehensively advance the transformation of the businessand developing mode.Since the beginning of2013, ICBC of Inner Mongolia branch, abiding by theheadquarter’s developing strategy and three-year plan of the channel building, has thoughthighly of the channel building and taken fully awareness of channel’s importance in thebanking development. The channel building departments are set up in the secondarybranch and its sub-branch, and also the relative rules and regulations are drawn up.Meanwhile, ICBC of Inner Mongolia branch is accelerating the speed of the channelbuilding and making leaps and bounds towards constructing self-service channel. It putsefforts on the development of online banking, telephone banking, and mobile banking toform a multiple and systematic service channel in order to provide clients with morefinancial services, more efficient services, higher qualitied services and more comfortableenvironment. At the meantime, further research should be made on the problems includingthe optimization of banking outlets, improvement of its competition, and promotion of theservice through the channel building. This article, revolving on the consistent improvementof the banking service level, emphasizes on the relative measures and suggestion forimproving the banking service level by means of channel building from the aspects of itsconstruction and management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial bank, Financial services, Channel building
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