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A Study On The Sustainable Development Of Foreign Trade In Mudanjiang Region

Posted on:2014-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330431977009Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)published a report entitled Our Common Future. In this report,“SustainableDevelopment” was given the most authoritative definition, that is,“Human has theability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of thepresent without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their ownneeds.” Along with the development of human society, and the in-depth study on“Sustainable Development” in the theoretical sphere, from broad perspective, as oneof sustainable development projects, the sustainable development of foreign trade isincreasingly drawing wider international community’s attention. With the in-depthdevelopment of economic globalization and intergradations, the scope of China’sopening-up has been extended gradually from special economic zones to coastal areas,areas along rivers and borders areas. Mudanjiang region is located in the tri一borderarea, which is in China, near Russia. The special geographical position, which is nearthe river, neighboring countries border line, and the sea has drawn extensive attentiondomestically and even internationally. A healthy, safe and sustainable development ofregional foreign trade will not only stimulate regional economic growth, but also begreatly significant to the development of Heilongjiang province as well as the openingpattern of China as a whole. The paper mainly has three parts:In the first part, it tells the philosophical meanings of sustainable development offoreign trade.In the second part, it analyzes the current situation, sustainable and unsustainableelements and deep-rooted institutional mechanism of the development of foreign tradein Mudanjiang region through a dialectic view.In the third part, it gives the countermeasure: solve the issues above in the viewof Dialectical materialism, by transforming government functions, seizing and makinggood use of various favorable policies, transforming trade development modecombined with location advantage, greatly strengthening foreign trade enterprises andfrontier trade, promoting processing trade and implementing diversification strategyof the foreign trade market, in order to make the foreign trade of Mudanjiang regionstep into the track of sustainable development gradually.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mudanjiang Region, Foreign Trade, Sustainable Development, Countermeasure and Suggestion
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