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A Company Salary System Research And Improvement Design

Posted on:2014-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330428483821Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the modern enterprise management. Salary management is an important factor in human resource management, organization operation and organizational transformation, with other human resource management functions together constitute the foundation of the company mission, vision, and strategic goals. As one of important part in the modern enterprise human resources management, salary is an important means of enterprises motivate employees. Enterprise should formulate the corresponding salary strategy in order to effectively achieve strategic goals. Enterprises need to build a scientific and reasonable compensation system to direct employees’ behavior, to make the employees behavior can help enterprise strategic target realization.As the competition between insurance industry is more and more fierce, the insurance company is not enough to just have good product, service or market to ensure the continued success. If insurance companies want win from the competition. Companies cannot be simply to provide high quality policy, to speed up the processing of the insured claims, or to improve the customer satisfaction. Companies must pay attention to strengthen the core ability and key ability whit can allow itself to distinguish with other companies. The key ability assumes employees to master the knowledge, experience and skills. On the other hand performance for employees and employees work attitude and work values, work motivation, self image cognition, and behavior, etc. These abilities make company for staff demand is higher and higher, and will also become the cornerstone of enterprise development. In this situation, the enterprises want to get advantage in the competition, must promote enterprise salary management of change. Through the improvement of compensation management system, improving staff loyalty to the company and the sense of belonging, encouraging employees to get updated skills, more responsibility, and achieving better performance, ultimately enterprises will promote the realization of enterprise strategyThis paper through to the market compensation and company staff questionnaire and research the PICC "A" city branch company compensation management status, improve the current situation of compensation management. This paper designed a set of suitable for enterprise development strategic compensation system at present, expect give some advices to "A" company’s compensation management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Compensation system, Compensation design, Job evaluation
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