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Research Of Chinese Future Taxi Design Based On User-Experience

Posted on:2016-02-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T C YuFull Text:PDF
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At present, many famous foreign car companies have announced future taxi concept design or a taxi version based on a model, but the domestic exploration of the taxi involved in the field of small and common taxi car driving experience mostly on some problems. At the same time, the taxi industry is facing the impact of the new trend such as "Internet +", " Limousine Service ", change is imminent.With the development of a sustainable society, traffic congestion, resource depletion and other issues have become the focus of common attention. After people meet the material aspects of demand concerns have risen to the spiritual level. It has been more concerned about the spiritual dimension after the material to meet the demand. Therefore, the future taxi is no longer just provide a simple tool for spatial displacement function, but incorporates information technology and human needs, more "caring" about person. It brings spiritual pleasure of the experience to humans with the technology. The user experience will be an important measure of the merits of the design. And integrating relevant knowledge of materials science, design, psychology and other multifaceted research.Research centered on future taxi design, taking user experience as the breakthrough point. Firstly, paper studied the characteristics and functions of the taxi, analyzed the latest foreign models and concept design cases, then studied the way to travel, the impact of future design trends of the taxi. Secondly, paper studied the theory of the user experience, started from the user experience, analyzed future taxi user needs and the current problems of taxi through interviews, summarized the user behavior in a taxi and then deduced corresponding user needs. Thirdly, analyzed the experience from the sensory level, level of experience behavioral and emotional experience level, put forward for the future design direction of the taxi and design principles that should be followed, one by one to meet the needs of users at different levels of experience. Finally, the paper gives possible solutions through practical design case.
Keywords/Search Tags:user experience, future taxi, sense, behavior, emotion
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