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YK Project Design Quality Management Based On BIM Technology

Posted on:2016-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330503453220Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Architectural design on the economy, quality of construction projects, the latter use has a very significant impact YK project uses traditional cad design methods cannot fully meet the requirements of the project expression. BIM technology allows the use of parametric design, drawings improve accuracy, the various stake holders to work together on the same platform to become a reality. There by improving the quality of architectural design YK project.There are many flaws in the traditional project under construction design management, paper analyzes the shortcomings of control structures and control processes and control mode under the traditional approach to quality management. Identify the causes of these shortcoming is that traditional methods cannot be avoided. Then use BIM to design quality management approach through practical research YK construction projects. Measures to improve the design quality apply to all stages of the project’s architectural design. Through the establishment of BIM technology application standards, organizational structure, work processes, technical requirements to control the various stages of design quality.Through the use of BIM technology status quoin architectural design quality management to analyze, analyze the key to success in the use of BIM technology that BIM architectural design of team building, work mode BIM application standard, BIM workflow, BIM, etc. If you can use these points to YK architectural design project quality management to go, we can greatly improve the quality this process, but also to complete the project to establish YK BIM model formation of the team, and optimize the design process method, standard measures to improve the way collaborative mode of implementation and data transfer standard mode land construction. BIM technology research through the various stages of the use of BIM technology proposed ways and means, and inductive analysis of the main factors affecting the quality of architectural design in YK project affected the quality of five this process, the use of literature analysis, inductive method and factors affecting the quality of architectural design project YK fuzzy analysis and final evaluation of the project based on design quality management YK BIM technology effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:BIM, Design quality, Quality Assurance
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