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Research On "Atrium" Space Hierarchy Design Of Commercial Complex

Posted on:2017-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330488965630Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the society, the commercial activity gradually developed from the initial material consumption to the consumptionthe of material and spirit, and even people care more about the spiritual. In particular, with e-commerce developing rapidly, commercial complex as a place where business activities happening need high quality space environment which is its core competition."Atrium" spaceact as a way of organizationed spaces for a long time,but the space of "atrium"of commercial complex is different from the space of traditional courtyard and atrium.The space of "atrium" of commercial complex contain both courtyard and atrium,who’s feature of space is similar to the feature of traditional courtyard,but not so identical. This thesis analysis the problem from two aspec,which includ the factors of city, commercial building,and then summ up some functions and characteristics of the "atrium space" of commercial complex. The task of complex "atrium"space are to continuation of the urban context,to satisfy psychological needs,to create a high quality shopping environment.Firstly, the thesis defined the concept of the research object, then analysis of "atrium" space of incommercial complex from following aspect which involve the perspective of the city an, human’s erception of space,and the spirit of "atrium"space. After that study the type, function, spatial characteristics, and spatial organization of "atrium" space deeply and directly. Developing a series of tactics and methods to design "atrium"of commercial complex by reading related literature and combining with previous experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial complex, atrium space, Space hierarchy
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