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The Design And Reaearch Of The Interior Space Of The Preschool Children’s Art Studio

Posted on:2017-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Children’s education has always been a problem that people pay close attention to and discuss. From the basic knowledge and skills of children to the present children’s comprehensive development, the cultivation of children’s creative thinking, and the cultivation of children’s personality and so on. These changes in the concept of children’s education to make me feel the progress of society, but also found that some children’s education, especially children’s art education, some of the problems.Education, many people mistakenly believe that art education is the art of creative skills learning, now a lot of art training institutions is to teach children skills the children’s art education, this concept has great misunderstanding. Children’s art education should be the core of children’s aesthetic, creative education, through art education, so that children’s aesthetic perception, aesthetic psychology, aesthetic understanding and creative imagination to be developed.Education environment, children’s growth and development in addition to their own development, but also the results of their interaction with the surrounding environment. Italy early childhood educator Maria-Montessori believes that a suitable environment is for children to develop a natural way of life, and the environmental impact of the development of children’s spiritual life, so to children create a suitable environment, is to give children provide the most beneficial to the growth and development of external conditions.This paper from the point of view of children’s art education, analysis of the behavior and psychological characteristics of children of all ages, from the child’s perspective view of preschool education space, to children’s needs and the principle of design and analysis of domestic and foreign outstanding cases, summed up for the children’s art education space design basic requirements and design techniques and applied to engineering practice, and create suitable for the children as well as children’s favorite space and give them to provide a new world of inspiration, creativity and imagination.
Keywords/Search Tags:perschool child, space design, educational environment, art
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