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Follow The Root And Pathfinding

Posted on:2016-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of rapid urbanization, the urban personality and historical culture gradually become homogeneous, with the awakening of people’s protection consciousness, the development mode of the historic district and old buildings to overthrow the reconstruction step by step, but in the process of exposing the disadvantages and many problems caused by social reflection. Qingdao local building——Liyuan, with Qingdao as the imprint of colonial cities, Chinese and western civilian architecture become Qingdao a touch of beautiful scenery, she is witness of Qingdao city and a hundred years of history, a reflection of the city and the experience of the era of the social background and the material level and also objectively reflect the people’s living conditions and changes in years to come. But in Qingdao, the rapid development of the current, the Liyuan building is gradually consumed by high-rise buildings, the Tapautau Block as the only one of the more complete remains of the building area, the future development of Qingdao city personality and the continuation of historical and cultural, but also the current two phase of the Qingdao Bay to promote the transformation of the challenges faced by.Based on the above findings that sense, this paper Liyuan building of Tapautau area for the study, the use of typology, construction morphology and other research methods, with urban diversity and culture, ecology, social sciences and other related theories, detailed and systematic Factors induction, consolidation-related plots and architectural history of drawings, newspapers, historical photographs, government circulars, books and other related documents, to the geographical characteristics, socio-political, demographic, cultural, human consciousness and behavior shifts in thinking a detailed analysis, reveal Liyuan building produce and Evolution Causes; through field research, surveying and visits to understand the current situation of the building, summarized reality Liyuan facing interpret character and great value current Liyuan neighborhoods and buildings contain from living atmosphere and spiritual perspective shows unique charm Liyuan; and finally, compare the pros and cons of both domestic historic district development model proposed reflections Liyuan building of Tapautau Block development, the development of the whole block and entities propose a feasible strategy, and focus on the 13th Beijing Road hospital Liyuan with typical characteristics of the study plots within the reconstruction and development of courtyard propose ideas and strategies implemented as objects, hope for the development of Tapautau Block offers numerous Liyuan replicability of development, through practical approach development issues facing the region play a practical significance for the reconstruction and development of domestic living mainly in the historical district play a positive role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tapautau Block, Liyuan building, Architectural features and its evolution, trait interpretation, development strategy, practice
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