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Research On Application Of Sculpture Art In The Indoor Environment In Art

Posted on:2016-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330482965238Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a traditional plastic art, sculpture bears primary characteristics of the three-dimensional possession of the actual space taken by material forms and of its power of influence and improvement of environment. The three-dimensional feature of sculpture conveys the works’ appearance information through its image, size, space, sense of touch, color and many more aspects; on the other hand, it makes the viewers sense the works’ thoughts and soul when they enjoy its artistic features. Therefore, during the whole process of art design and creation of interior environment, the designer must fully understand the viewers’ psychological feelings, make the users well organized and held, and exert influence upon them. Within the interior space environment of modern buildings, the function of sculptural art is not only reflected by the decoration of space, the improvement of environment, the manifestation of local cultural characteristics and the contemporary humanistic spirit, but also reflected by many other aspects, such as the propagation of aesthetics, the enhancement of public aesthetic tastes and the popularization of aesthetic education. The beauty of sculpture also reflects our spiritual needs and cultural competence.This article introduces the historical background and multiple significance of sculpture in interior environment art, proposes innovative research ideas and methodology, illustrates its research contents and provides a detailed analysis of relevant documents of home and abroad and an introduction of sculptural art and environmental art. It also talks about the sculptural art in interior space and the aesthetic value of sculptural art in interior environment, revealing the restriction of decoration “beauty” in sculptural art. Many more issues are also discussed, such as the combination of sculptural art and the interior space environment of buildings, the application of carving skills in architecture, the use of functional construction space and other space environment. Finally some corresponding countermeasures about healthy development of above issues are provided. The focus of this research is to explore the combination of sculptural art and interior space environment of buildings, and put forward evaluation principles of such combinations. In terms of architectural ornaments, circular carvings are mostly used in stone arches of palaces, cemeteries and folk architectures; relief sculptures are suitable for more complicated situations and pattern designs with their strong sense of space; the artistic effect of high-relief carvings is delicate with obvious highlights and clear order out of complexity; openwork carvings lie between circular and relief carvings, more stereoscopic than relief carvings, more complicated in craft and more delicate.As a modeling element, sculpture plays a more and more important role in interior environment of modern architecture, since it can demonstrate the cultural atmosphere and artistic flavor from both the content and form of environment. This research provides detailed practical examples in both interior and exterior environments. For example, some hotels intend to show their business philosophy, cultural and artistic features mainly by means of decorative sculptures, which then requires the sculpture to be attached to the hotel’s space environment and management ideas, better demonstrating its high standard and service level. As for the sculptural designs in the public space of hospitals, enough considerations should be given to the special function of medical buildings and the psychological needs of the viewers, since it intends to add artistic aura to the hospital in order to distract the patients’ attention, adjust their psychological conditions and relieve their suffering. Decorative sculptures in the public space of business buildings always appear in forms of easiness, tolerance and happiness, showing fashion, novelty and modernity of business space, and at the same time endowing it with symbolic significance. In museums, no doubt, sculptures are the main body and fully demonstrate its spatial functions. The ornamental sculptures in libraries make readers feel highly integrated with space and culture. In other public spaces, such as railway stations, high-speed train stations, airports, the sculptures should be the landmarks, which reflect the local characteristics, and must be fitted into their surroundings. Through a comparative analysis of many examples of sculptural arts in different construction spaces, this articles means to put forward some corresponding countermeasures for the healthy development of sculptural art in interior space environment, including the following aspects: relevant state departments should formulate relevant policies and rules as soon as possible and put them into practice; sculptors, architectural designers and construction practitioners are expected to enhance their sense of social responsibility; the platform for the expansion of modern sculptural space should be under construction; sculptural language within the modern sculptural space should be sought in traditional cultures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sculpture art, indoor environment, art application
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