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Analysis Of Contemporary Residential Courtyard’s Landscape Context Design In Beijing And Its Surrounding Area

Posted on:2016-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, China’s urban construction is in the ascendant, along with lots of concrete construction, and mostly same urban style. With the ignorance of traditional culture connotation in designing architecture and landscape, people in such a living environment cannot found the sense of belonging, so tracing root has become a strong voice, the so-called "tracing root" is to explore the heritage context, is the continuation and development of excellent traditional culture. Traditional culture carries people’s spirit, soul, quality, aesthetic, habits, pursue, value orientation, which is a continuous and sustainable development foundation of China.Capital in this article refers to the Beijing and its surrounding areas. In the long development history of capital, traditional residential courtyard is the most general form, and courtyard landscape is the core of residential courtyard. Traditional residential courtyard as Gongwangfu, Wenyu house, Congli house and Song Qingling house, which contain abundant cultural heritage, is a typical carrier of the traditional culture. Beijing Wenyu river courtyard residential community heritage traditional residential courtyard landscape context, created a cultural characterized living environment of human settlements in the field of environmental design to achieve a "Roots", worthy of study and learn from.Based on the analysis of traditional residential courtyard landscape, this paper takes " Courtyards By The Wenyu River "as an example, with the content of its traditional courtyard house heritage landscape context. The paper analyzed the yards cultural context landscape layout, compared the courtyards on " Courtyards By The Wenyu River "and traditional courtyards, and analyzed the rocks, water, plants and other natural landscape elements in courtyard and rich family, pavilions, stone pieces and other cultural landscape elements, and beauty made by the traditional courtyard house. And then landscape context design of contemporary residential courtyard landscape will be analyzed to make a theoretical thinking. With the method of "the abstract and reconstruction", "transplantation and grafting", "symbolic and metaphorical" and other design methods, the paper aims to provide a reference for design of contemporary residence courtyard landscape heritage context in Beijing and its surrounding areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beijing and its surrounding, landscape of residences courtyards, cultural inheritance, Courtyards By The Wenyu River
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