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The Study On The Renewal Of The Tianjin Historic District

Posted on:2016-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The historical bl ocks in Tianjin Nankai are treas ur es of old Tianjin’s culture a nd t he wealth history.They a r e not only physical, but a lso mental.However, Tianjin’s high-spe ed urbanization and large-scale urban renewal movement have covered the ir original appearance.The reconst r ucti on mode called redevelopment make s Nankai’s historical bloc ks’ protection a nd r enewal more di fficult.Unr easonabl e policis, the lack of funds,the ina ppropriate c oncept of desi gn, the unadvanced r econstruction technology, etc., are al l the reasons of Nankai historical blocks’ decline.Accordi ng t o Nankai historical blocks’ special Chinese traditional style, we try to find the best renewal stratergi es which are j ust suitable for Nankai ar ea.Obviously, that is the ultimat e goal of my research.This research is derived from Tianjin Nankai District 2012 Suppor t Fund Pr ojects to Promote Enterpri se Deve lopment--The Urban Environment Comprehe nsive Improvement of the Whol e Process of Technical Control Research. Based on thi s background, we used literature research, fi eld inves tiga tion, induction, analysis and compar ison, the unit informati on, net work to develop my research. First, talling about "Ur ban Renewal", "Historical Block", "Zen Design Theory" review, t o construct the t heory frame of the full te xt.Second, through in Nankai district of Tianjin geographical environment, history,cul ture and so on information organizat ion of data analysis and field inve stigation, put forwa rd the Nankai pr esent situation a nd problems of the his toric blocks.Third, according to the spec ific condition of Nankai dis trict, and puts forward the specific pr inci ples of the historic district renewal, management strategy and update the design strategy.And so as t he instruc tion, in view of the historical block near the temple renovation project to analyze t he concrete scheme, and sums up the pr ojec t to resear ch the enlightenment. Finally, the subject of the future is prospected, puts forward the possibility of further research, and expect in the future study provides the reference of the same kind of historical blocks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tianjin, Nankai, Hi storic Distri ct, Urban Rene wal
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