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Research Of LED Intelligent Light System And Driving Power Supply

Posted on:2016-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the intensification of the world’s energy crisis, energy-saving lighting industry have been increasingly demanded. Recognized as the fourth generation lighting, LED represents the future direction of lighting, its biggest feature is energy saving. However, energy-efficient lighting should not only consider energy-saving lamps, but also consider the efficiency of lighting systems and power supply. LED intelligent lighting system can intelligently adjust the illumination of lamps and control for lighting remotely,and gains advantage on energy saving, intelligent control than conventional lighting systems. LED drive power directly affect the efficiency of electricity use LED lamps. Therefore,In order to find the most energy-efficient way of lighting, this article wants to make breakthrough on LED intelligent lighting solutions sought in system design and highly efficient LED driver power supply design.This paper first introduces the development status of mainstream LED and intelligent lighting system currently wireless lighting technology, then proposes a set of intelligent lighting system solutions. The communication method between the Internal modules is wireless communication. LED lighting console achieves remote control of LED, and LED a Illuminance changes with light intensity, temperature, humidity and other information in real time. To verify the feasibility of the system, the paper designs the light control, temperature control circuit to simulate specific LED intelligent control section,and designes radio communication circuit to simulate wireless communication part. This paper also designes a LED driver power supply,based on PFC controller chip L6561, resonant half-bridge controller chip L6599, constant current controller chip MBI1802.LED power supply applies LLC half-bridge resonant circuit and APFC circuit,with two LED connection circuit Maximum and output power 120 W, providing the LED PWM dimming, with anti-electromagnetic interference.Intelligent Lighting System test results show that the analog circuitry enables radio communication between modules, RF signal could be transmitted 80 m farthest in the open area,providing 0% to 100% duty cycle for PWM dimming to adjust LED brightness.When the ambient temperature exceeds 40℃, the LED module can output warning signal. DIP switches can remotely control the LED light on or off.Such results could confirm the feasibility of the intelligent lighting system solutions.LED drive power prototype test results show that the highest power efficiency reached 86.8%, the power factor can reach 97.6%, power supply ave an advantage than the current products have an advantage in power factors.EMI simulation results show that the differential mode interference filters, common mode interference signal insertion loss is preferable.The intelligent adjustment of Intensity of illumination of LED lamps and the promotion of efficiency of power supply will help the lighting system for energy saving.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intelligent lighting system, RF transceiver, light indensity control, temperature control, LED drive power
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