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Vacational Colleges’ Afforestation Based On The Integrated Construction Of Campus Greening And Training Base

Posted on:2016-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q M JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330470469534Subject:Landscape architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The construction of university campus landscape is an i mpor tant part of the construction of campus culture, and it is al so a window of showing universi ties’ spe cific characteristics,which is of vital impor tance to enhanc e the university culture and i mpr ove the university image through beaut ifying the learning and living envi ronment, thus sha ping the character of teachers and students, c ulti vati ng st udents’ se ntiment.The purpose of higher vocational educ ati on is to foster pr ofessionals and talents of high quality who can adapt to the development of the social economy. The most conspicuous characteristics of higher vocational education lie in its focus on training technical abilit y,practice ability, professional ability. Training base is a must to carry out vocational skills training and to c ulti vate professional quality of students i n higher vocati onal education. So the construction and deve lopment of high level a nd multi-functional tr aini ng base is a basic and crucial way to improve the teaching qual ity and to show the characteristics of higher vocational education.For forest ry vocational colleges, campus greening is an import ant carrier of the campus environment, but a lso an importa nt practical training base. Without dest roying the ca mpus landscape and by making full use of the natural ecologi cal envi ronment, green plants, small architects a nd art space we aim to cr eate pr ofessi onal landscaping training, share ot her for estry science r esources, wi th a consideration of the professionals’ training plan and training purpose,thus building a multi-functi onal comprehensive professional t raining base which could ensur e a sust ainable development a nd research in l andscaping research, professional training, s kills of landscape i dentification, science education a nd recreati onal functi on. Research on the int egration of c ampus greeni ng and the training base is of gr eat value to other universities in the const ruction of campus gr eening and the t r aining ba se. This paper analyzes the rea son and the current situation of constructing c ampus greening and training base in vocational colleges.We conclude and find out the theoretical research signific ance of t he i ntegration of campusgreening and training base in vocational coll eges.With resort to research and anal ysis on the problems of administration in the construction of campus gr eening and the training base, the author proposes t he new construction model of int egrating c ampus greening and training base in fore stry te chnologi cal colleges, which is a n innova tion of traditional t eaching model and can good use of s chool resources. It not only inc reases the benefits of landsca pe but also strengthens students’ tec hnical t raining, thus it is a lso a great hel p in promoting the cultura l construction. With resort to a t heoret ical resear ch and through analyzing the practical applications in Yunnan Forestry Technological Coll ege, we point out t he problems in carring out t he project and in admini str ati on. Solutions to these pr oblems are put forword. Finally a theoretical system was pr oposed which consist of t he guiding ideas, de signing principles,administrating models and concret stra tegi es, thus forming the system of integr ated construction of campus greening and t raining base. The integr ated construction of campus greening and training base wil l be a t rend of developing ca mpus greening in fore stry technological colleges.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus afforestation, campus practice base, i ntegra tion, professional group
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