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Study On The Regional Characteristics Of City Road Landscape Design

Posted on:2015-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The development of social economy, city development, the road is not only a city of the theme,is more of a city’s image window, showing the spirit of a city. For the requirements of the road,people not only to meet the most basic traffic function, but also bear the cultural function, the roadis part of city space, not only has its natural attribute, and its social and cultural attributes, to shapea city’s cultural characteristics, display the vigor and vitality of the city itself play a decisive role. Asthe elements of city space, the road not only has its own traffic function, but also the carrier of cityculture, the witness of the vicissitudes of the city, is an important symbol of the city style andfeatures of the landscape.Nowadays, with the globalization of economy and the city is accelerating, the city more andmore the same phenomenon of more and more obvious, the lack of personality characteristics ofthe city, regional characteristics of a large number of city is gradually disappearing. In order tomake the city’s culture and economy sustainable development and the formation of identifiableregional characteristics of City Road, not only to the basic traffic function to the city, also need tobear some of the city cultural function, to construct city characteristic landscape, reflect the cityculture role. So to create a unique regional culture characteristics of city road landscape is one ofthe important way of inheriting the city sustainable development and regional culture.How to embody the regional characteristics in the city road landscape construction is to solvethe problem. Based on the research background, the related theoretical research, domestic andinternational research profile, research significance to carry on the elaboration. Then analyzed theregional characteristics of city theory. The focus of this paper is mainly based on the theoreticalbackground, list of Urumqi city convention avenue and agricultural division six Grass Lake FarmYingbin Road two example analysis, and put forward suggestions on the construction of theXinjiang city road landscape, the hope can give other city road landscape.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban road landscape, regional characteristics, design
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