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Design Of Dataacquisition Based On GPRS Used For Solar Water Heating System

Posted on:2016-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467482398Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With a series of encouragements of national policy, solar water heating system was widelypopular, playing an important role in energy conservation. Tremendous enterprises associated withsolar energy blossomed. Because of serious unbalances between industry standard and development,solar water heating systems lacking standard was designed. With the development of solar energyindustry, many problems revealed and became weaknesses of the development of the whole industry.Therefore, solving or ameliorating such problems becomes necessary.This research was aimed at designing a kind of data acquisition, not only making solar waterheating system meet the requirements proposed in the latest standard, but also providing scientificdata support for the sake of project management, optimizing system control, establishing evaluationsystem in the future. This data acquisition was designed based on STM32F103VE micro-controller.For the design of hardware circuit and reliability of power, minimum system, SD card storage, RS485and GPRS communication module, detail discuss was given. Moreover, each module softwarefeatures was completed and some technology optimization was applied with a result of higherreal-time, and accuracy.For this data acquisition, GPRS was accomplished for remote data communication, monitor-datawas stored in SD card. Based on two RS485-bus networks, the functions, such as real-time datafiltering, Modbus processing, system-control, meter-data collection, was achieved. C/S architecturewas adopted in establishing connection between data acquisition and remote server, then MD5authentication was needed ensuring the data security of remote server. Data of remote communicationwas made by XML style, data protocol and AES encryption, effectively guaranteeing the security ofdata access. MFC-based PC configuration software provided a possible method to modify the dataacquisition improving the applicability of data acquisition.Finally, data acquisition was performed by EMC testing, reliability testing of connection andpacket loss rate testing to verify the reliability. The results show that the hardware of data acquisitionis success to satisfy the requirement of anti-interference, while more work needs to be done inconnection reliability and packet loss rate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solar Water Heating System, Data Monitoring, GPRS, Authentication, AES
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