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Illusion And Reality

Posted on:2015-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467466979Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Illusory dreams and the reality of the real world enough for a pair of mutually antisensephrases. Since the origins of human civilization, people have been exploring the relationshipbetween dreams of "magic" and “real”in real life, what is unreal embodies true, revealsillusory or real?This issue has been lingering in everyone’s mind. The famous Austrianpsychologist Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are fulfilled desire, so presented his dreamis the desire to meet the doctrine.A dream to some extent to meet the desire to ease theimpulse; yet should not arouse the vigilance checking mechanism, thereby protecting sleep.In this sense, the dream is fulfilled desire. Thus, the illusory invisible does not necessarilyexpress the true image, and real touchable objects does not necessarily express false.As a graduate of art direction, visual communication design major, I sought an art formto express my personal "magic" and "true" understanding of the science-based expertise inthe field of photography was investigated,3D stereo photography found exactly what I waslooking for manifestation.Research shows that compared with traditional2D photography, thebiggest difference is the screen3D stereo photography has a strong sense of depth andoutstanding, better display the real world. The three-dimensional photographic characteristicsapplied to the art, there will be more good visual effects, not only to strengthen the work ofart itself is expressive and thus bring the audience appeal also increases.However,three-dimensional photography as a product launch late, any kind of new things need time tobe familiar with people, not to mention such non-visual experience unknown product. Byway of3D stereo photography to show the surreal charm, both with "material realityrecovery," the film matches the aesthetic principles, but also with "the dream is distantreality" This view is consistent.This performance by allowing viewers to walk in the way ofdreams and reality, gives us a taste of touch technology from the visual to the soul. Thislayered, three-dimensional depth image reflects not only the object up and down, left andright of the two-dimensional relationship, but also accurately express the relationshipbetween objects between the front and rear. more three-dimensional photographic products waiting to be developed, the application of this technology will be broader.The emergence of three-dimensional imaging technology is an alternative to the blackand white image after another technological revolution in the field of color, the future trend ofdevelopment is also the image of the industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:dreams, reality, desire, Stereo photography
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