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Freedom And Dreams

Posted on:2011-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360308973505Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the trend of globalization, the exchanges of Chinese and Western architectural culture become more and more after lots of Western architects coming to China. As a design power, American architects have designed many charming works in China which provides a rich resource for our study of modern architecture.This thesis based on culture, analyses the spirit of American culture -- the American dream-- from geography, society, religion, nation and art. Besides, it focuses on interpretation of the natural characteristics of American architecture: assertive personality, endless passion, double criterion, complex space and dreams of returning to nature, analyses the basic spirit of American architecture -- freedom and dreams, and explores the deep meaning of contemporary architectural theories and the typical design methods in the form, function, technology, materials, lighting, environment, ects. Meanwhile, through direct or indirect interviews, the author confirms the methodology and concepts of the American architects. Also, by visiting, perceiving and multi-level analysing a large number of architectural works, the author comprehensively displays the characteristics of American architecture: concept, function and space, materials and technology, visual form, artistic style……Finally, the thesis summarizes the changes the American architectural works in China and the impact and contribution to contemporary Chinese architectural creation. Then it looks forwards to the development of contemporary Chinese architectural creation at the context of globalization.
Keywords/Search Tags:American Culture, American Dream, Freedom, Dreams, Architectural Spirit, Architectural Characteristics
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