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Research On The Design Of Business Motion Line Of Urban Complex

Posted on:2014-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467460186Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By taking the business motion line of the large-scale urban complex as the researchobjective, this paper summarizes the investigation content through analyzing the constitutionof the motion line and discusses about the factors contributing to the success of the businessmotion line by drawing upon both domestic and foreign design theories and practiceexperience of the business motion line of urban complex.In today’s society, people have attached equal importance to both the pursuit of materialsand the spiritual cultivation. From the perspective of the birth and development of thedomestic and foreign urban complex, this paper subjectively evaluates the key factors thatdetermine the successful design of urban complex. This paper focuses on the design andconstitution of ‘point+line’ in the business motion line of urban complex and strives to exploretheir connections. Meanwhile, through the in-depth investigation of the famous case of urbancomplex in China, this paper also analyzes the materials obtained and concludes the successfulmethods and experience. At last, it proposes the design principles, includind the space theme,visibility and reachability of the stores, sign system, external transportation streamline and thecomprehensive business motion lines and investigates the future development trend for thebusiness motion lines of urban complex.This paper analyzes the detailed information, such as the architectural scale and locationof two successful urban complexes in China and extracts the factors that ensure the success ofthe business motion lines by exploring the external transportation motion lines and internalmotion lines. The research results, hopefully, could provide references for the future design ofthe business motion line of the urban complex so as to create a better shopping space andpromote the development of building complex.This paper is divided into6chapters. The1st chapter is the introduction; the2nd chapterexpounds on the concept of the business motion lines of the urban complex; the3rd chapterrefers to the design and constitution and comprehensive analysis of ‘point+line’ in the businessmotion line of urban complex; the4th chapter includes the case study of the business motionline of urban complex; the5th chapter explains the necessary conditions and the designprinciples of the success of the business motion line of urban complex and the6th chapter isthe conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Complex, Business Motion Line, ‘Point+Line’, Essential Conditions, Design Principles
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