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Traditional Gardening Methods Used In Modern Garden

Posted on:2016-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330464965671Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern times, with the rapid development of society, young people constantly improve the level of material life and spiritual culture demand, young people living environment also gradually improve, at the same time, complicated, noisy, and work environment of urban development bring pressure of tension, make the life of the young people are not ideal and uncomfortable. Therefore, the author created a garden and garden design, for young people to create a perfect and comfortable living environment of the garden, let the young men from the noise of the city, and alleviate the pressure of, work.Due to interior design in the field of modern design style, make the modern garden design in the form of missing; Caused by the city developing rapidly increasing pollution to the environment of industrialization, has created the lack of ecological modern garden design; Due to strong foreign culture shock leads to progressive loss of traditional culture, has created the lack of culture of modern garden design. The lack of form, ecological and cultural three aspects not only influence the modern garden design, but the young people’s living environment as well. Therefore, the author in the garden an4 garden design, the consciousness of traditional technique and modern landscape gardening, to the young people to create a handle to and comfortable living environment of the garden, let the young men from the noise of the city, and alleviate the pressure of work.Garden and garden design, living area used the technique traditional gardening space within the actual situation and the integration of modern landscape consciousness; Gathering area is made of traditional landscape space means in the watch scene and the integration of modern landscape consciousness; Walking garden area used the technique traditional gardening space winding and the integration of modern landscape consciousness, solve the problem of missing in the form of the modern garden design, provides young people with good garden form requirements. Planting area using traditional gardening natural means in the point of plant and the integration of modern landscape consciousness, solve the problem of the ecological loss of modern garden design, provides young people with good garden ecological requirements. Sketch area used the technique traditional landscape sketch piled mountain fold stone plaque lettering and the integration of modern landscape consciousness, solve the problem of the lack of the culture of modern garden design, provides a good garden culture demand for young people.The author will traditional method and the sense of modern landscape gardening, tries to solve the modern garden design, ecology, culture in three aspects, in the form of lack, striving to create a process to give young people and comfortable living environment of the garden, let the young men from the noise of the city, and alleviate the pressure of work.
Keywords/Search Tags:city, Traditional gardening technique, Modern garden design, The fusion
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