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The Analysis Of Landscape Plant Morphotype And Its Influence On Human Health

Posted on:2016-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330461966268Subject:Landscape architecture study
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Plant material is not only an important subject of the natural environment, but also a core element of landscape expression. Further, its landscape morphotype is rich and varied. The expression of landscape plants in the language of art is determined by its from to show up, and even the primary people’s perception element of landscape space is also formed by plant morphotype. Plant morphotype is not limited to its appearance, also including its mien, artistic conception and emotion that could go deep into the perception of mood and culture content. Thus, plant morphological presentation is one of main evaluation basis on garden landscapes. Different physiological and psychological changes are induced by visual sense, which could influence the comfortable feeling and appropriateness brought by the entire landscape space. As a landscape designer, we must first understand and apply plant form elements in garden landscape. From the perspective of human perception, we are able to configurate different plants forms, scientifically and rationally, in order to achieve the best suitability and comfort.Firstly, the morphological types of garden plants and the progress of research at home an d abroad were summarized in the paper. On the basis of the study, we focused on guanzhong s haanxi area, and investigated and analyzed the common type of plant morphology of landsca pe. secondly, We use a variety of analysis method to research the morphology of different plan t types of landscape units through the combination of quantitative and qualitative way of think ing. Using natural and geometric form of plants as object of study, we observed the physiologi cal and psychological variation of 52 undergraduate students watching the before and after. A nd then we put forward a more scientific ideas and methods of landscape construction to provi de scientific basis of garden plant landscape application. Besides, in the process of analysis an d application of plant morphology, we also analyzed some typical cases, using examples to ve rify the science and the necessity of plant morphology, physical and mental health.After finishing the analysis of the main results obtained are as follows:( 1) By organizing a lot of relevant information, concluded that morphological taxonomy of landscape plants, types of a variety of plant, configuration and application of different types of plants, and related information database. Then the database model is proposed based on morphological characteristics of plants in landscape, establishing a scientific basis and foundation for the digital landscape. Initial attempt to establish the quantitative database of morphological types of landscape plants in Guanzhong area. According to plant morphology characteristics, and creating a more scientific landscape.(2) In a related garden plants to create a landscape space, the combination of the two plants form the space of morphological types(natural type, geometry type) conducted intensive research. By applying the methods of emotion scale and physiological measurement method, observe the emotional perception and physical change of the same age groups on the landscape. Exploring the physiological and psychological effects on people plant from space, to understand the relationship between plants and create space. Combined with relevant examples, further demonstrate the significance of the research.(3) Watch the physiological and psychological changes before and after geometric and natural type of plant landscape space by studying Students.The present study investigated the physiological and psychological effects of viewing two types of vegetation landscape on 52 university students. These two kinds of vegetation landscape including rules landscape and natural landscape. We found that, in the test, the subjects exhibited the following aspects. Natural landscape can make the diastolic and pressure significantly reduced, and also reduce the heart rate,systolic blood pressure significantly reduced not significant yet. After viewing rules landscape, diastolic and systolic blood pressure significantly reduced, and the heart rate increased slightly. The natural landscape which make subjects feel comfortable obtained better scores in subjective ratings, and induced more vigorous moods. In rules landscape, inhibition of negative emotional factors is weak, and prone to tension. Taken as whole, these findings suggest that natural landscape is better than rules form. We have thus concluded that the approach taken in this study is useful in exploring the influences of urban green space on humans, as well as contributing to the planning and design of a healthy environment for urban residents.Therefore, by studying and analysis the common ype of plant morpology in GuanZhong area of ShanXI.We can conclude that plant morphology is an extremely important element in landscape architecture,which also has a certain degree of regularity.Combined with the resulits of investigation on morphology types in GuanZhong area of ShanXI.We explore whether they have a positive effect on human physical and mental health.confirmed through the results of eventually research.It iseffective to use the method to explore the effect of diffient plant morphology on human physical and mental health, and the results can effectively guide the application of garden plants in landscape design,which also expend the content and practice experience in areas of health and medical,giving future cities a strong cornerstone of science, as well as the studing of the relationship between landscape and human health.
Keywords/Search Tags:plant from, Landscape, geometric, natural type, physiology, psychology
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